List of IEBC Registered Voters in Kenya per county.
Kenya has a total of 21,547,775 registered voters 45,246 polling stations, and 292 constituencies. Below is a table with a list of registered voters data sourced from IEBC.
NOTE: There are 290 constituencies and 47 counties in Kenya as per iebc boundaries. Additionally, there are two extra constituencies/counties representing the diaspora and prisons which are not based on any geogrphical boundaries.
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Rank | Name | Registered Voters |
1 | NAIROBI CITY | 2,254,563 |
2 | KIAMBU | 1,228,768 |
3 | NAKURU | 1,034,699 |
4 | KAKAMEGA | 833,297 |
5 | MERU | 749,786 |
6 | MACHAKOS | 655,991 |
7 | BUNGOMA | 636,985 |
8 | KISII | 623,619 |
9 | MURANG'A | 619,265 |
10 | KISUMU | 602,350 |
11 | KILIFI | 578,060 |
12 | MOMBASA | 575,538 |
13 | HOMA BAY | 549,702 |
14 | SIAYA | 531,781 |
15 | KITUI | 529,981 |
16 | UASIN GISHU | 497,763 |
17 | MAKUENI | 473,382 |
18 | NYERI | 469,173 |
19 | MIGORI | 468,158 |
20 | KAJIADO | 443,307 |
21 | KERICHO | 417,724 |
22 | BUSIA | 409,066 |
23 | NAROK | 399,079 |
24 | NANDI | 394,900 |
25 | TRANS NZOIA | 388,362 |
26 | BOMET | 374,350 |
27 | KIRINYAGA | 361,697 |
28 | NYANDARUA | 356,625 |
29 | KWALE | 326,140 |
30 | NYAMIRA | 319,429 |
31 | EMBU | 315,495 |
32 | VIHIGA | 313,027 |
33 | BARINGO | 275,407 |
34 | LAIKIPIA | 259,678 |
35 | TURKANA | 229,769 |
36 | THARAKA - NITHI | 226,331 |
37 | WEST POKOT | 218,552 |
38 | MANDERA | 214,480 |
39 | ELGEYO/MARAKWET | 213,884 |
40 | WAJIR | 205,783 |
41 | GARISSA | 201,151 |
42 | TAITA TAVETA | 179,828 |
43 | MARSABIT | 165,608 |
44 | TANA RIVER | 139,508 |
45 | SAMBURU | 99,186 |
46 | ISIOLO | 88,439 |
47 | LAMU | 82,028 |
48 | DIASPORA | 8,546 |
49 | PRISONS | 7,535 |
Source: The above data was obtained from the list of registered voters that was published by IEBC in 2022. We will update this post once the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has released a new register of voters.
Data Correction: If your polling station registered voters information is missing or incorrect, please contact us at, and we will follow up with the IEBC for an update