Registred Voters in Kenya per County - Kenyayote

List of IEBC Registered Voters in Kenya per county.

Kenya has a total of 21,547,775 registered voters 45,246 polling stations, and 292 constituencies. Below is a table with a list of registered voters data sourced from IEBC.

NOTE: There are 290 constituencies and 47 counties in Kenya as per iebc boundaries. Additionally, there are two extra constituencies/counties representing the diaspora and prisons which are not based on any geogrphical boundaries.

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Rank Name Registered Voters
1 NAIROBI CITY 2,254,563
2 KIAMBU 1,228,768
3 NAKURU 1,034,699
4 KAKAMEGA 833,297
5 MERU 749,786
6 MACHAKOS 655,991
7 BUNGOMA 636,985
8 KISII 623,619
9 MURANG'A 619,265
10 KISUMU 602,350
11 KILIFI 578,060
12 MOMBASA 575,538
13 HOMA BAY 549,702
14 SIAYA 531,781
15 KITUI 529,981
16 UASIN GISHU 497,763
17 MAKUENI 473,382
18 NYERI 469,173
19 MIGORI 468,158
20 KAJIADO 443,307
21 KERICHO 417,724
22 BUSIA 409,066
23 NAROK 399,079
24 NANDI 394,900
25 TRANS NZOIA 388,362
26 BOMET 374,350
27 KIRINYAGA 361,697
28 NYANDARUA 356,625
29 KWALE 326,140
30 NYAMIRA 319,429
31 EMBU 315,495
32 VIHIGA 313,027
33 BARINGO 275,407
34 LAIKIPIA 259,678
35 TURKANA 229,769
36 THARAKA - NITHI 226,331
37 WEST POKOT 218,552
38 MANDERA 214,480
40 WAJIR 205,783
41 GARISSA 201,151
42 TAITA TAVETA 179,828
43 MARSABIT 165,608
44 TANA RIVER 139,508
45 SAMBURU 99,186
46 ISIOLO 88,439
47 LAMU 82,028
48 DIASPORA 8,546
49 PRISONS 7,535

Source: The above data was obtained from the list of registered voters that was published by IEBC in 2022. We will update this post once the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has released a new register of voters.

Data Correction: If your polling station registered voters information is missing or incorrect, please contact us at, and we will follow up with the IEBC for an update