The Way To Urbanizing The Kenya Transport System: Lessons To Take From Germany

Train Station In Frankfurt, Germany

Germany is one country whose transport system lets jaw drop, literally. its punctuality, connectivity, robustness, effectiveness and responsiveness is one that is to be admired.

So why is Germany using high technology or rather transport systems to make it the envy of other 1st world countries and admired by countries who want to hack the public transport system puzzle.

Lets get to understand what kind of transport systems exist in Germany. First of all there is the bus system and train system.

Buying a bus ticket is cheaper especially when traveling long distance places, although when traveling short distance, the price is relatively the same as the train. The buses come in handy to make sure that places where the train cant reach, they are connected by bus.

Back to the trains. The reason why this article exists today. We will start with the most fundamental structure of the train system, the train station. The station is structured differently depending on the number of people who use it and the number of trains that go through it. Some have as many as 21 platforms and some only have 1, those with fewer platforms are located a distance away from the major cities. Security is critical and that is why police are stationed in the train stations.

Train Station In Frankfurt, Germany

Train Station In Frankfurt, Germany
Train Station In Frankfurt, Germany/Photo

Germany has four different types of trains. The Straßen Bahn (Tram line ) . The second type is the S-BAHN which connects regions within a state which is basically within a county in reference to Kenya. The third type is the U-BAHN (UNDERGROUND TRAIN] which basically operate within a city, ensuring people arrive fast within the Central business district; The fourth is the Regional bahn which connects regions within a city or near a city. The fifth is the Intercity express which is the fastest train in Germany.

Platform In The Train Station

Platform In The Train Station
Platform In The Train Station/Photo

Lets take Nairobi’s CBD. The Strassen bahn will ensure you make it from Kencom to GPO in less than two minutes. The Strassenbahn\Tramline is basically a bus on the rail, which stops at short intervals within the CBD. The Underground train is faster, meaning you will make it to GPO, in than 30 seconds. The Ubahn  also operates on alittle wider scale meaning it can reach Westlands and Kahawa Wendani in less than 5 minutes.

Picture Of The Regional Bahn

Picture Of The Regional Bahn
Picture Of The Regional Bahn/Photo

The S-Bahn operates within regions, meaning from Nairobi to Rongai or Thika making many stops in between.The regional Bahn almost operates on the same principal, but makes fewer stops meaning between Nairobi and Naivasha it could make 3 though would follow the same route as the S-Bahn.

The last train is the Intercity Express commonly known as the [ICE) which is faster than the other trains. The ICE only stops in major cities and connects major cities in Europe. So you can imagine travelling nonstop from Nairobi to Mombasa or Kisumu without stopping. Kenya has room for growth, as we develop the road network and with the arrival of SGR; Kenya can only soar because the transport network is a network of possibilities.

Side View Of The Intercity Express

Side View Of The Intercity Express
Side View Of The Intercity Express/Photo

The train network system does not end with the train. Most have bicycles placed just outside the train station. So you pay fort he bike and it is  all automated and you ride to wherever it is you want to go.

Bikes Outside A Train Station

Bikes Outside A Train Station
Bikes Outside A Train Station/Photo


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