KUCCPS Cluster Point Calculator

kuccps cluster point calculator and kuccps cluster point calculator

Below is a KUCCPS Cluster point calculator that will help you to calculate your cluster points per course. Kindly read the instructions below this calculator to understand what to do.

The minimum requirement for doing a degree course is C+ and above.

Cluster Point Calculator

To use the calculator kindly add the required figures in fields labeled X and Y and click calculate. After clicking calculate, the page will reload and your cluster points will appear in the box labeled “Your Weighted Cluster Point.”

UPDATE: Calculator has been disabled since 2022 kuccps revision of courses has come to an end. It will be enabled after KCSE 2022 results have been released in 2023.

NOTE 1: This calculator has a weighted cluster point margin error of between -0.2 and +0.2 which is very minimal.

NOTE 2: Kuccps portal now automatically calculates your cluster points when you apply for a course. Once you login to kuccps portal you will be able to see whether you qualify for course or not.

What are the Required Four Subjects?

Apart from the overall grade you scored lets say C+ there are four subjects that are required before you do a specific course. These are the four required subjects.

At KUCCPS website they are normally labeled as;

  • Cluster Subject 1
  • Cluster Subject 2
  • Cluster Subject 3
  • Cluster Subject 4

You are supposed to add the four subjects points (for the specific course) and type them in the calculator field labeled (X).

NOTE 1: Each course has its own required subjects. For Law courses required four subjects are different from Engineering.

NOTE 2: Minimum entry grade for Degree courses is C+

What are Subjects Points?

Subject points are

  • A=12 (points)
  • A -=11 (points)
  • B+ =10 (points)
  • B =9 (points)
  • B- =8 (points)
  • C+ =7 (points)
  • C =6 (points)
  • C- =5 (points)
  • D+ =4 (points)
  • D =3 (points)
  • D- =2 (points)
  • E =1 (points)

What are the aggregate KCSE points?

These are the points you got for the seven subjects you did. For instance, if you got an A (plain) in all subjects then aggregated points will be 84.

  • 12+12+ 12+12 +12+12 +12 = 84

Where do i Get course Required Subjects (4)?

You can get that by going to https://students.kuccps.net/programmes/. Select the course you want and see the required subjects as illustrated in the image below.

Cluster Required Subject Subjects
Cluster Required Subject Subjects illustration/Photo

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43 responses

  1. Loveynia mukoya Avatar
    Loveynia mukoya

    can i do software engineering with A in maths Bminus in english Cplus in physics B in chemistry Bplus in kiswahili Bplus in cre and geo and overall grade B


      absolutely your cluster points is roughly higher

  2. Austine Odero Avatar
    Austine Odero

    My manual cut off points for cluster 15 are not the same as kuccps already calculated in the portal why is that

    1. KUCCPS cluster points are what you are supposed to use. There is a formula for calculating those cluster points that is always updated by KUCCPS.

  3. Newton Avatar

    I think my cluster was calculated wrongly
    How should i move forward?

  4. Ombogo stephhen Avatar
    Ombogo stephhen

    When will 2019 kcse candidates be placed?

  5. Mercy nyambura Avatar
    Mercy nyambura

    I have a mean grade of C i want to do teaching in high school do I qualify

    1. Jeremiah Avatar

      Yes but you can only take a diploma course

  6. hi help me choose a markatable course i did my exams last year and scored aB minus of 53 points mathA minus,englishB minus,kisB minus,creC plain,geoB minus,chem C plain,bioC plain,phyc C plain

  7. EMMANUEL Avatar

    which medicine course can i pursue with B- in bio B phy B- in chem A in math C+ in eng

  8. Julius Amimo Avatar
    Julius Amimo

    If I chose courses through the school.Do I need to revise again when the kuccps portal opens?

    1. Yes, you have to do first revision.

  9. Emmanuel wanyonyi Avatar
    Emmanuel wanyonyi

    Can I make for law with 63points

  10. George Gaitho Avatar
    George Gaitho

    can i take a law course with the following grades maths C- , Eng B, Kisw C+, Bio C, Chem C-, Agric C+, Hist B+, CRE B, aggergate of 51

  11. What are the cluster subjects required for IT

    1. emmanuel Avatar

      hey………jus look it on the website

  12. help I have a B overall 63points
    maths A
    eng B
    kis B-
    chem B-
    bio C-
    bs B+
    his A-
    Cre B
    help me select the best course

  13. can I revise now or wait until january

  14. Livingstone Avatar

    Plz help me find universities that accept a cluster of 35.77 in computer science

  15. I had a mean grade of b- with b- in bio c+in chem c+in eng/kis andc+in math do I qualify for a bachelor’s in pharmacy

  16. I have C minus and I want to train for being a teacher

  17. Obadiah korir Avatar
    Obadiah korir

    Help me cluster my girls best course diploma, English B-, kiswahili.c, chemistry D+, CRE A-, business B +, biology C-, history B +, math c +

  18. Peter Loree Avatar
    Peter Loree

    I have revised and already applied for 3 courses that is DIP accountancy, DIP electronic engineering and finally Health Records DIP too but different colleges can be considered in one or all

  19. Can l take mechanical engineering at Dedan kimathi university..I had a B+ of 67points..math A,phyA,geoA-,histA-,chemB-,engC+,kisw..

  20. Ibrahim Adenkheir Avatar
    Ibrahim Adenkheir

    I have a mean grade of B minus with B in maths, B in IRE , C in Eng , B+ in Chem D+ in kisw, C in bio , A in hist…….. can I qualify for bachelor of health records at KU.

  21. #macanow Avatar

    I have mean grade of C+ in KCSE,I have C+ in math, B- in chem.do I qualify to in teaching for that two subject. English I have C-

  22. Brian ombaye Avatar
    Brian ombaye

    i would like to do computer science,i scored a general grade of C+ with d+ in english,math B+,Phy C+

  23. Abigael mueni mutuku Avatar
    Abigael mueni mutuku

    Help me calculate the cluster points for me to do analytical chemistry

  24. paul molo Avatar
    paul molo

    please post the list of courses with unfilled capacities,institutions and their codes please,,

    1. Hello, click on courses on kuccps student portal, all those available are open for application. Those that have been filled are not available.

  25. kyalo isaac Avatar
    kyalo isaac

    I would like to do IT i scored : maths A kiswahili B+ physics B geography B+ Ami fit

    1. Wanja Hosea Chege Avatar
      Wanja Hosea Chege

      How many students had A plain in bio kcse2019

  26. Lagat Robert Kipkemoi Avatar
    Lagat Robert Kipkemoi

    I had bminus in kcse and i want to be a teacher in education science can i qualify,,,i had cplus math b in chem and cplus english

    1. Wycliffe Avatar

      Yes you can do Education Science

  27. How do I select a course into my course basket.

  28. Isaac opata Avatar
    Isaac opata

    I got a B- in biology and the minimum requirement for pharmacy in KU is a B plain in biology so can l qualify to study it

    1. For KU you must have cluster points of: 41.515 (Use the calculator above to calculate your cluster points). Other minimum subjects requirements for Bachelor of Pharmacy include BIO (C+), CHEM (C+), MAT/PHY (C+) and ENG/KIS (C+).

  29. Mamite Ayala Mamo Avatar
    Mamite Ayala Mamo

    I have c minus in my kcse, do i qualify to be a primary school teacher

    1. Minimum for doing a diploma in any teaching course is C unless you have a disability is one when you can join with a C-.

  30. Mwangi Susan nyambura Avatar
    Mwangi Susan nyambura

    Help me to calculate the cluster points for doing analytical chemistry in embu and chuka university.if I had cplus in chemistry, biology d plus,maths c minus, English c plus, history b plus,cre b minus, computer b minus

    1. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY WITH COMPUTING is available in UNIVERSITY OF EMBU. However, you cannot do that course because you are required to have a minimum of C (plain) in Maths and you have C-(minus). Kindly go to https://students.kuccps.net/programmes/ and select a course that you meet the requirements and we will help you in calculating.

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