The recently passed Universities(Amendment) Act, 2015 reduces student organization into 4, introduces electoral colleges. The act also reduces the number of terms that a student leader can contest.

Universities(Amendment) Act, 2015 states that;
The student association shall be governed by a student’s council comprising of
(a) a Chairperson;
(b) a Vice Chairperson who shall be of opposite gender with the Chairperson;
(c) a Treasurer
(d) a Secretary-General who shall be the secretary to the Council
Electoral Colleges in University Elections
For purposes of conducting the election of the members of the Student Council, the student association shall constitute itself into electoral colleges based on either academic departments, schools or faculties, as may be appropriate, where students of each department, school or faculty in the university shall elect three representatives, of whom at least one must be of opposite gender, from amongst persons who are not candidates listed above.
Maximum term of contesting for student leadership
Members of the Student Council shall hold office for a term of one year and may be eligible for re-election for one further term.
This act therefore implies that the student governing council as currently comprised will cease to have 11+ representatives. Positions like Gender affairs, accommodation director, sports director e.t.c will cease to exist. This also means that all elections will be based in main campus with other campuses getting representation in the electoral colleges.
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