TSC: Non-local teachers will not work in North Eastern

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia on Local teachers working in North Eastern

Teachers will no longer be posted to the North Eastern due to insecurity. The Teacher’s Service commission (TSC) has vowed not to let its employees into the region until the Security matter is completely fixed.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia told Parliament that the lives of the teachers are more important than education. She also called on the government to ensure that security is brought back in the region.

The CEO has called upon the leaders from the region to help mobilize locals who are trained teachers to send their applications for the now vacant teaching jobs in the region. She has also asked them to encourage more of their people to train as teachers so they don’t need to demand non-local teachers

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia on Local teachers working in North Eastern
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia on Local teachers working in North Eastern/Photo Source

Nancy Macharia said that if the commission will post teachers to the security prone region under a condition that their safety is 100 percent assured

Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof. George Magoha and Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai, also appeared before the committee chaired by Julius Melly.

Magoha maintained that the Leadership of the Northern region should identify students fit to be trained as teachers, so they can be trained as soon as possible.

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion urged TSC to work with the police to find a better solution to the Security issue.

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