TSC New Promotion and Deployment Requirements (Career Progression Guideline), 2018

TSC teachers career progression, promotion and deployment guidelines

The teachers service commission (TSC) has published new guidelines for the promotion and deployment of teachers. In a circular titled  “Career Progression Guidelines for teaching” issued to Principals and TSC County directors, the commission has outlined policies and procedures for teachers professional development. The grading structure takes into account of the job evaluation report.

TSC teachers career progression, promotion and deployment guidelines
TSC teachers career progression, promotion and deployment guidelines/Photo

Summary of what is contained in the TSC Career Progression Guidelines

  • Minimum entry requirement for one to be a teacher in Kenya
  • Requirement for promotion of teachers in Kenya from one Grade to another
  • Role of school administrators
  • Requirement  for the deployment of teachers
  • Grading of teachers

TSC Requirement of Being a primary school teacher in Kenya (Job Qualification)

  • Must have a KCSE C (Plain) and Primary Teacher Education (PTE) Certificate or
  • Requirements for the visually and Hearing impaired for PTE is a C- (Minus)

TSC Requirement of Being a secondary school teacher (Hiring Qualifications)

  • Must have a KCSE C+ (Plus) and a Diploma in Education or;
  • KCSE C+ (Plus)and a Bachelors Degree in Education or;
  • KCSE C+ (Plus)and a Bachelors Degree in any other relevant area plus a
    Postgraduate Diploma in Education or;
  • KCSE C (Plain), Diploma, and Bachelors Degree in Education.
  • Qualification for the visually and hearing impaired teachers is a
    mean grade of C (Plain) and C (Plain) in the teaching subjects in the case of post
    primary institutions.

TSC Requirement of Being a TVET institution teacher in Kenya (Recruitment Qualifications)

TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training  

  • KCSE C+ and a Diploma in a relevant technical subject plus a Diploma in
    Technical Education.
  • KCSE C- Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant subject
    area plus a Diploma in Technical Education.
  • KCSE C-, Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma in a relevant subject
    area plus a Diploma in Technical Education.
  • KCSE C+, and Bachelor’s Degree in Education Technology.
  • KCSE C+, and Bachelor’s Degree/ Higher Diploma in a relevant technical
    subject plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Education.

TSC Requirement of Being a SNE teacher in Kenya (Qualifications)

SNE: Special Needs Education

  • Must have a KCSE C+ and Diploma in Special Needs Education or
    KCSE C+and Bachelor’s Degree in Special Needs Education

TSC Primary School Teachers Promotion Requirements (Grade to another)

  1. Primary Teacher II-T Scale 5 (C plain, PTE certificate, Teaching Certificate and meet Chapter 6 of the constitution)
  2. Primary Teacher I-T Scale 6 (Served as II-T Scale 5 teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in II-T Scale 5 above)
  3. Senior Teacher II T-SCALE 7 (Served as I-T Scale 6 teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in I-T Scale 6  above)
  4. Senior Teacher I T-SCALE 8 (Served as II T- Scale 7 teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in II T- Scale 7 above)
  5. Deputy Head Teacher II T-SCALE 9 (Served as I T- Scale 8 teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in I T- Scale 8  above)
  6. Deputy Head Teacher I T-SCALE 10 (Served as I T-Scale 9  teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in I T-Scale 9 above)
  7. Head Teacher T-SCALE 10 (Served as I T-Scale 9  teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, must have a Bachelor of Education degree, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in I T-Scale 9 above)
  8. Senior Head Teacher T-SCALE 11 (Served as I T-Scale 10   teacher for 3 years, have undertaken TPD modules, must have a Bachelor of Education degree, have satisfactory rating and have meet all requirements in I T-Scale 10 above)
TSC primary teachers promotion guideline (infographic)
TSC primary teachers promotion guideline (infographic)/Photo

TSC Secondary School Teachers Promotion and Deployment  Requirements (Grades)

  1. Secondary Teacher III T- SCALE 6 (Must have KSCE C+, have a Diploma in Education (with two teaching subjects), have attained a minimum grade of C+ (plus) in the two teaching subjects at KCSE level,  have a teaching certificate and requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution)
  2. Secondary Teacher II T-SCALE 7 ( must have served as III T- SCALE 6  teacher for 3 years, Must have KSCE C+, have a Bachelors Degree in Education (with two teaching subjects), have attained a minimum grade of C+ (plus) in the two teaching subjects at KCSE level,  have a teaching certificate, have undertaken the relevant TPD modules, good performance rating and  have met requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution)
  3. Secondary Teacher I T- SCALE 8 ( must have served as II T-Scale 7 teacher for 3 years)
  4. Senior Master/ Mistress IV T- SCALE 9 (must have served as I T-Scale 8 teacher for 3 years)
  5. Senior Master/ Mistress III T- SCALE 10 (must have served as IV T- Scale 9 teacher for 3 years)
  6. Senior Master/ Mistress II T- SCALE 11 (must have served as Senior Master III or Deputy Principal IV T-Scale 10 for 3 years)
  7. Senior Master/ Mistress I T-SCALE 12 (must have served as Senior Master II or Deputy Principal III T- Scale II  for 3 years)
  8. Deputy Principal IV T-SCALE 10 (must have served as Senior Master IV T-Scale 9  for 3 years)
  9. Deputy Principal III T-SCALE 11 (must have served as Deputy Principal IV or Senior Master III T-Scale 10 for 3 years)
  10. Deputy Principal II T-SCALE 12 (must have served Deputy Principal III or Senior Master II T-Scale 11  for 3 years)
  11. Deputy Principal I T-SCALE 13 (must have served as Deputy Principal II or Senior Master I T-Scale 12   for 3 years)
  12. Principal T- SCALE 13  (must have served  as Deputy Principal II/Senior Master I T-Scale 12 for 3 years and have a Masters Degree in a relevant area)
  13. Senior Principal T- SCALE 14 (must have served  as Principal/Deputy Principal I T-Scale 13  for 3 years and have a Masters Degree in a relevant area)
  14. Chief Principal – TSC SCALE 15 (must have served  as Senior Principal T-Scale 14 for 3 years and have a Masters Degree in a relevant area)

Download complete Career Progression Guideline from this page: TSC Deployment and Promotion Guidelines

TSC Official Contacts

PS. To download the latest KCPE, KCSE Past papers and answers, CBC schemes, class notes e.t.c visit muthurwa.com



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3 responses

  1. Suslia Akoth Asego Avatar
    Suslia Akoth Asego

    Am a trained secondary teacher of kiswahili cre and a national examiner in kiswahili pp2. Currently teaching in primary but with attachment to a secondary school. How can I move to secondary school fully?

  2. Jane Nguku Avatar
    Jane Nguku

    Is a masters degree a requirement forpromotion to deputy principal or principal?

  3. Nathan Gomba Onyango Avatar
    Nathan Gomba Onyango

    Could you please come clean on one thing: what qualifications does a high school teacher need to have so as to be appointed principal or deputy principal?

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