TIMS NTSA Provisional Driving Licenses (PDL) Application Guide

NTSA Tims Provisional Driving License (PDL) application procedur

Application for Provisional Driving License (PDL) is now done through the Transport Integrated Management System (TIMS) not Ecitizen NTSA website as it used to be.  Below is an updated Guide.

How to apply for NTSA Provisional Driving License through TIMS portal

NTSA Tims Provisional Driving License (PDL)  application procedur
NTSA Tims Provisional Driving License (PDL) application procedure/Photo Source

To apply for PDL through TIMS use the procedure below:

  • Visit: tims.ntsa.go.ke and click register to create your account if you do not have one
  • Enter your ID serial number and Click Verify
  • Enter your Mother’s Maiden Name (Her Original surname before marriage)
  • Enter your kra Pin
  • Verify your details and proceed to the last step of registration
  • After Registration, login.
  • Click Application for PDL
  • Select Your School and fill all the information required
  • Make Your Payment and that is it.
  • You have completed your PDL application

NOTE: Your PDL application remain in pending mode until it is approved

Common TIMs NTSA Errors and Solutions

The Person is Not found. Please check serial number or The Pin and ID Serial number do not match: Most of the time, you get this error if you replaced your ID card and the serial number changed. TIMS system still detects your previous ID serial number. Try using the previous ID serial number or forward your KRA pin and ID number to NTSA so that they may update your details in their systems.

Driving School Missing: Ask your driving school to update their details on the TIMS portal.

Details Missing: If you had previously registered with NTSA Ecitizen portal, your PDL details were migrated to TIMS. If your NTSA Ecitizen PDL details are missing in your TIMs Account then it means they were not correctly migrated. You need to visit NTSA offices so that they can correct error.

NTSA Contacts

You can contact NTSA for PDL application inquiries through any of the following means

  • Email: info@ntsa.go.ke
  • Phone: 0709 932 300
  • Address: Hill Park Building; Upper Hill, Nairobi Kenya
  • Facebook: ntsamedia
  • Twitter: @ntsa_kenya

NOTE: By the time of publishing this article, NTSA takes a minimum of 21 days to approve provisional driving Licenses. You should contact your Driving school instructor if yours is not approved in at least a month’s time.

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24 responses

  1. Alex sifuna Avatar
    Alex sifuna

    I applied My pdl on Thursday but I didn’t get a message why and next week I an exam please help me

  2. What does this mean? “There is still Class Endorsement Print Payment unfinished,please finish it first before other operation.” Noting that the required endorsement has already been updated in my DL

  3. Georgebrian Avatar

    in applying for class endorsement, what does this mean ‘There is still Post Lisence unfinished,please finish it first before other operation.’

    1. David kimanzi Avatar
      David kimanzi

      November 2019

    2. I’m trying to open Tim’s account but the Tims web isn’t working…. Why

  4. Hello,l applied for the pdl but on the class option,l inserted class c1 instead of B light guide me through please

  5. Hi,my PDL was supposed to be deleted in the system but i was told that the school licence has expired but still the school is operating how can I be helped can I apply a PDL through any other school or ntsa office

  6. How long does it take to approve category D1 if i have a BCE licence?

  7. Vincent Avatar

    what the meaning of “no pending application” in test booking?

    1. same issue

  8. Dennis momanyi Avatar
    Dennis momanyi

    Hi !my question ,s I finish my driving school at twenty eighteen .But normally I want for three years so far I never take my DL,so will I get give I will come to your officeses…


    1. Please check our guide on smart dl application and let us know if you followed the procedure: https://kenyayote.co.ke/how-to-get-ntsa-smart-driving-license-in-kenya-apply-on-tims-portal/


    i think your pin maybe inactive or dormant

  11. Kimberly Abuya Avatar
    Kimberly Abuya

    Wow. This is a really helpful article. Thanks so much! I managed to do this swiftly in less than 10 minutes even after having to call NTSA to help with an error!

  12. Dahir Ali Jamal Avatar
    Dahir Ali Jamal

    I finish my driving school on 12th November 2019 up to date I haven’t get my booking test

  13. JANE OKUMBE Avatar

    what happens when you are trying to register for tims account but the kra pin does not exist and actually that is the correct kra pin

    1. Go to NTSA offices and let them help you with the registration

    2. Godfrey Wakhanu Okumu Avatar
      Godfrey Wakhanu Okumu

      I finished my driving school on 7th January 2020,up to date I haven’t get my booking test

      1. Did you book your test?

  14. Can one apply for another pdl if we selected a wrong category?

  15. how long does pdl stay

    1. Osteen Shisia Avatar
      Osteen Shisia

      3 months

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