The New Education System in Kenya, 2-6-6-3 (2-6-3-3-3): Primary, Secondary and Higher education system

new education system kenya
new education system kenya
Photo illustrating how the new education system (2-6-6-3) will work

The ministry of education led by Dr. Fred Matiangi has announced that they will be introducing a new education system, 2-6-6-3 where the six years in secondary will be divided into two making it 2-6-3-3-3. This will mark the end to the old 8-4-4education system. So, how will the new education system work?


The division of the 2-6-6-3 (2-6-3-3-3) education system


Primary Education (total of 8 years)

  • Pre-primary-will take 2years
  • Primary education-will take 6 years


Secondary Education

  • Junior Secondary School-will take 3 years
  • Senior Secondary School-will take 3 years


Higher Education

  • University-will take atleast  3 years)


What will be taught at each level

PRIMARY: Kenyans emphasized practical oriented learning areas –Home science, Art& craft, Music, Drama, Agriculture, Foreign Languages- French, German, Chinese, Spanish.
SECONDARY: Kenyans advocated for practical subjects such as home science, Art &craft , Agriculture and woodwork to be re-introduced
• Other subjects should also be more practical
•Learners should start specializing early.

The new education 2-6-6-3 (2-6-3-3-3) system if approved will begin operating as from 2017. This implies from 2018 there will be no KCPE if the system is implemented. Thereafter, KCSE will cease to exist.


In our next post, we have shared on what the new education system intends to achieve, highlights of the curriculum reform, teachers role and the bill which will see the  2-6-6-3 system implemented. (Read the post here).

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