How to Survive in Campus as a First Year Student: College and University Life

tip for first years on surviving in campus, college life

Surviving in Campus in first year: There’s no better feeling  that can surpass the one you get, when you receive that invitation letter to the college of your choice.

tip for first years on surviving in campus, college life
Tip for first years on how to survive campus, college/University life/Photo Source

All the paperwork, registration, residential and shopping work is all done, and you are ecstatic. However, there’s one thing lingering in the back of your mind that is making you very uncomfortable; and to some extent, pessimistic about your campus life.

There’s no cause for alarm, you are a first year student after all. Fortunately, there are tips and ways to help you to survive your first year in college.

Follow them and you will have a mind blowing year in campus:

  1. With so much free time in campus, it is only right that you use it wisely. Ensure all your priorities are in order.
  2. Organization is key : In campus, there is no one to supervise you. To be on the safe side be careful and wise about your schedule and daily plan.
  3. Familiarise yourself with your campus environment. It is always advisable to know your campus well as it makes your learning and movement a lot easier and comfortable.
  4. Maintain a balanced lifestyle while in campus; strive to be part of social activities such as campus clubs and events.
  5. Prioritize you’re your studies before anything else. Get acquainted with your professors, lecturers and academic advisers. This will assist in keeping your studies and grades intact. It also boosts your confidence and courage to make enquiries and seek help whenever faced with a challenging situation.
  6. Keep a close look on your budget and health: While trying to build your relationships in campus, you might get a little overwhelmed and tempted to be a bit of a spend thrift. Be watchful because the campus prepares you for the future. Be wise about your financial spending you can even result to creating a budget and making sure you stick to it.
    1. However, even when you are within a budget, ensure that you eat healthy and keep fit.
  7. Do not be a loner: try as much as you can to make new, friends in campus. This gives you a feeling of belonging and helps you fight the nagging, uncomfortable home-sick feeling.
  8. Last but least, and a very crucial thing to keep in mind, put God first. Your relationship with your creator should not matter less to you after you join campus.


In conclusion, your first year in campus is guaranteed to be awesome, and the above tips are a great guideline to survive your first year in campus. In addition to all these tips, be yourself; do not lose yourself trying to fit in.

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