How to Start Article Writing job in Kenya: Introduction

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The amount of jobs available are currently not enough for the number of graduates flooding the market with various degrees, diplomas and certificates. Even if you are employed, there is no guarantee that you will have that job until your retire. This uncertainty has led to many young adults turning to self-employment as a means to make ends meet, as opposed to waiting to get a job.



This is the introductory part of a series on article writing, by the end of which you will be able to start your own career in this field. If your English is great, and have a decent typing speed with access to a computer and internet, you should consider article writing. You will also need above average research skills. Article writing involves writing content around a particular keyword. So a client may offer you a job and tell you to write 2 articles about “dogs”. You can write on anything dog related such as How to wash your dog or 5 signs that your dog is sick. Research on content related to those titles, and write a fresh and unique article.


Avoid copy pasting content from the internet. One big mistake new writers make is look for content, copy it then paste it and try to pass it off as an original article. Clients have software called Copyscape which is used to identify any content that has been copied from the internet. Copy pasting will kill your article writing career before it even starts.



In the next post we will look at where you can find article writing jobs.


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15 responses

  1. Karen Kangogo Avatar
    Karen Kangogo

    I would love to work with you

  2. Stephine Avatar

    Am very fast in typing and i know my gramar is much inerf to write an article. My english is absolutly fyne

  3. Daisy Bahati Khaindi Avatar
    Daisy Bahati Khaindi

    Register me please, I believe writing is a good way to share ideas and express feelings

  4. I wanna become part of article writing. Please add me

  5. I love writing articles. Please register me.

  6. register me please am good at it.

  7. Kenny barber Avatar
    Kenny barber

    Article writing is one thing am good at please register me 📞📞

  8. Register me Pease for the artical writing

  9. I’m interested register me as well or send me the link

  10. Interested

  11. Catherine Avatar

    Register me as well

  12. Register me please

  13. Am good in writing articles and wish to link up with websites or people who have articles and need writter.

  14. can you register me writing articles please??

  15. I need to be start writing. Am looking a website where i can write articles. Will you register me

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