Where to sell your Class Notes and Research Project Papers in Kenya

Where to sell your Class Notes, Projects and , Research Papers in Kenya

Muthurwa Marketplace is a website that provides a platform for students to make money online through selling their class Notes, unused research projects and research papers online. All that one needs is just create an account for free and you are ready to get started with earning while studying.

Where to sell your Class Notes, Projects and , Research Papers in Kenya
Where to sell your Class Notes, Projects and , Research Papers in Kenya/Photo by Muthurwa.com

How does Muthurwa Marketplace work

Muthurwa Marketplace offers an online platform for students or any other person to upload their work in pdf or word format.  The work can then be bought by other students. You don’t have to  struggle copying notes and give it free to those who don’t attend classes.

Every time someone purchases your notes or research papers, your earn 80% of your total sales. For instance, if you are selling your notes at Ksh. 100, you will get ksh. 80  for every successful sale.  Your buyers can make payment through mpesa pay bill, airtel money, bank or paypal  integrated in the website..

Payment of your sales are made either mpesa, bank or paypal.

How to upload your notes on muthurwa marketplace

  • Visit: Start Selling
  • Open your Shop
  • Upload your notes in pdf or word format
  • Write a description of about 200 words about your product
  • Include the number of pages of your notes
  • Set your price
  • Submit for review and publication
  • Wait for sales (You can keep track of your sales in your account)

A detailed guide on how to upload your products/notes is available in this page: muthurwa.com/help/

How to Increase your sales

  1. Let your friends know about your product by sharing on Facebook, twitter, Google+ and your whatsapp groups
  2. Ensure your product description stands out
  3. Add your image and contacts in your Account profile

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