Sample Industrial Attachment Logbook and how to fill it

sample industrial attachment logbook and to fill it

Sample industrial attachment logbook for university and college students and a guide on how to fill the logbook. The attached document is in word (doc) but can be converted into pdf.  

sample industrial attachment logbook and to fill it
College or University student logbook sample/Photo

What is an attachment Logbook?  

An industrial attachment logbook is a document that is supposed to be filled by students indicating the tasks that they have been carrying out in their attachment workplace.  

The main purpose of the logbook is to document the student’s daily activities in the attachment place.  

The attachment Logbook is divided into days and weeks.  

Most universities in Kenya require students to take 3 months in their place of attachment.

How to fill industrial attachment logbook 

Filling an industrial attachment logbook should not be something that should stress you. All that you have to do is to indicate each day what you have been doing.  

You might be attached to the engineering, administration, business procurement, accounting, human resource, audit, marketing and communication, information technology, finance, sales, supply chain, logistics, operations, or corporate affairs department.  

For instance, if you are attached to the accounting department, you should fill in the following details in the daily work done section.  

  • Verification of petty cash vouchers and payments 
  • Reconciliation of bank accounts  
  • Preparation of returns of PAYE, NHIF, VAT (Value Added Tax), etc.  
  • Correction errors in the nominal ledgers 

If there is anything new that you learnt, write it down.  

At the end of your attachment period, you will be required to write an attachment report by your learning institution. The information that you filled in in the logbook will help you in writing your attachment report.  

It is therefore important that you fill in your logbook while you are in your attached workplace.

Sample Industrial attachment logbook 

You can download an editable Office Word Document of a logbook that has not been filled, edit it, convert it to pdf, and print it.  

Download the logbook doc from: Student Industrial attachment logbook sample

The document is not free. It is of high quality and comes at Ksh. 127.

NOTE: Colleges and Universities like JKUAT (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology), Moi University, Kenyatta University, University of Nairobi, KEWI, etc. do provide their custom industrial attachment logbook to students. You should therefore consult your learning institution to confirm whether there is one available for you.  

You should also ensure that at the end of each week, your industrial supervisor has signed and provided comments in your logbook.  

At some point in your attachment period, you should expect a supervisor from your university or college to visit your place of attachment to inspect what you have been doing.  

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