Procedure of how to cook Crispy chicken meal: Kenyan Recipe

how to cook Crispy chicken meal and recipe

Crispy chicken recipe and preparing: The only time most Kenyans get to enjoy crispy chicken in restaurants or high end occasions. What you don’t know however, it’s easy to prepare these meal even at the comfort of your home. Here is how;

how to cook Crispy chicken meal and recipe
how to cook Crispy chicken meal and recipe/Photo


Ingredients of cooking Crispy chicken meal


  1. 4 medium sized chicken pieces pre boiled and salted.
  2. 2 gloves of garlic grated
  3. 1 large fresh ginger grated
  4. 1 large onion chopped
  5. 1/2 teaspoonful of gram masala
  6. 2 beef cubes
  7. 2 eggs beaten
  8. A bowl of corn flour

Procedure of cooking Crispy chicken meal

  • Place the boiled chicken pieces into a large bowl, add garlic, ginger, onions and mix well with your hands as if massaging the ingredients into the chicken pieces.
  • Sprinkle the salt, beef cubes and grammasala and mix well until everything blends.
  • Mix the beaten eggs and corn flour and rub over the chicken pieces. Place in the refrigerator and marinade for about 1 hour.
  • Roll the chicken pieces over bread crumbs and place aside for a few minutes and then fry in a pan with hot oil.


Your crispy chicken is now ready and can be served the KFC style. Enjoy with chips or an accompaniment of your choice.


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