Procedure of Cooking Sukuma wiki meal: Kenyan Recipe for Kales

Procedure of Cooking Sukumawiki meal, Kenyan Recipe for Kales

Recipe and procedure of cooking Sukuma wiki meal the Kenyan way: Sukumawiki is one of the green vegetables delicacies whose roots run so deep in Kenya and is oftenly enjoyed in most Kenyan homes. Here is a simple recipe you could try out.

UPDATE: Here is a better and updated procedure of how to cook Sukuma Wiki

Procedure of Cooking Sukumawiki meal, Kenyan Recipe for Kales
Procedure of Cooking Sukumawiki meal, Kenyan Recipe for Kales

Ingredients of preparing

  • A handful of Sukumawiki (thinly shredded)
  • 1 medium sized onion chopped
  • 2 ripe tomatoes chopped(optional)
  • 2 Knorr beef cube/royco beef cubes
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil

Procedure of Cooking Sukuma wiki meal

  1. In a large sufuria or saucepan,add chopped onions and enough cooking oil and set on medium heat.
  2. Gently keep mixing until the unions turn brown.
  3. Add the tomatoes and continue mixing until they are tender and crushed.
  4. Place the thinly shredded Sukumawiki and mix well for about three minutes.
  5. Sprinkle some salt and Knorr beef cubes or beef cubes.
  6. Remove from heat and set aside.Your Sukumawiki is now ready to serve.For better taste serve while still hot.

Note; Sukuma wiki can be used as an accompaniment for Ugali, beef ,rice, and several other food choices.

You can also add more spices according to your liking.

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