Procedure of cooking Samosa: Kenyan Recipe

how to cook samosa and kenyan recipe

Samosa Recipe: Most Kenyans enjoy samosa in their homes as snacks and breakfast accompaniments.  Below is how to prepare it;

how to cook samosa and kenyan recipe
how to cook samosa and kenyan recipe/Photo

Ingredients of cooking Samosa

  1. 300g multipurpose baking flour
  2. 500g minced meat
  3. A bunch of spring onions(chopped)
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Cooking oil enough for frying

Procedure of cooking Samosa

  • Place the minced meat in a Sufuria and heat under low heat until fully cooked
  • Drain water off the minced meat and add the spring onions and stir.
  • Knead the dough just the same way you do for chapati and let rest for a few minutes.
  • Divided the dough into sizeable portions and roll into the size of a chapati but make it more thin..
  • Place a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and place the rolled pieces. Let cook for two minutes on each side and remove from heat
  • Now cut the rolled pieces into quarters and place aside.
  • Take a middle sized bowl and pour in two spoons of multipurpose baking floor. Add some water to and whisk to form a thick consistent paste.
  • Fold the sliced chapati pieces into samosa pockets by sticking then together using the flour paste.
  • Add two spoonful of minced meat into each samosa pocket and seal using the flour paste. Set aside and repeat until all the minced meat is finished.
  • Now place a frying pan with cooking oil over medium heat and let get hot.
  • Place in one samosa after the other until you have enough and let cook. Keep turning from side to side until both sides are golden brown.
  • Remove from heat and rub over a kitchen towel to remove excess oil. Repeat the process until all your samosas are cooked.

Your samosa are now ready and can be served on their own or with a drink of your choice. Enjoy!

An updated procedure for cooking Samosa is available on the Samosa Recipe page

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