Procedure of cooking Doughnuts: Kenyan Recipe

Procedure of cooking Doughnut meal, Kenyan Recipe

Doughnuts make great breakfast accompaniments in most Kenyan homes. However, most of the time, they are purchased ready made since most people assume their complexity in preparation. But with today’s recipe, you can now make some at the comfort of your home.

Procedure of cooking Doughnut meal, Kenyan Recipe
Procedure of cooking Doughnut meal, Kenyan Recipe/Photo

Ingredients of cooking doughnuts

  1. 3 cups of self raising baking floor
  2. Two spoonfuls of sugar
  3. Salt to taste
  4. 2 spoonfuls of butter
  5. 2 eggs beaten
  6. 2 Cupfuls of Luke warm water or milk
  7. Cooking oil enough for frying

Procedure  preparing doughnuts

  • In a large bowl combine baking flour and sugar and mix well.
  • Add the eggs and continue mixing until everything blends in well.
  • Add butter and mix well with your hands until it’s evenly distributed.
  • Pour in the luke warm water/milk bit by bit as you gently knead the dough to achieve a firm smooth texture. Place it aside and let rest for atleast 30 minutes.
  • Place a frying pan with oil over medium heat and let the oil get hot.
  • Meanwhile divide the dough into two and roll on a flat surface. Let it be as thick as one for Mandazi.
  • Cut into doughnuts using a doughnut cutter or you could use a bigger and smaller cup.
  • Deep fry until golden brown and set aside. Repeat until the dough is finished.
  • Tap on a table towel to remove excess oil and store in a serving container.

Your doughnuts are now ready and can be served hot with tea, coffee or even chocolate drink. Enjoy!


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4 responses

  1. your procedure is well portrayed and i’m really impress and also i would like to learn more about….like making soft chapati if available….

  2. Michael Ouma Owino Avatar
    Michael Ouma Owino

    l like the recipe for the donut.
    i would like to try this at home

  3. Provide the one for Pilau

  4. Samwel from Taveta Avatar
    Samwel from Taveta

    Great procedure there…
    I can now prepare doughnuts
    thank you….

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