Meatball cooking procedure and recipe: Many people get to enjoy meatballs either in restaurants or exceptional get away parties. But now the good news is that you don’t have to wait for that long to quench your cravings. This simple recipe will guide you on how to prepare them at the comfort of your home while having fun.

Ingredients of cooking meatballs
- 1/2 kg minced meat
- 1/2 a cup bread crumbs
- 2 eggs(beaten)
- 1 bunch of fresh coriander leaves (chopped)
- 1 ginger grated
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 2 royco cubes
- Salt to taste
- Cooking oil(enough for deep frying)
- 1 big onion(chopped)
- 1/4 spoonful of beef masala (optional)
Procedure of cooking meatballs
- Pour the minced meat into a wide bowl and add the chopped onions, grated garlic,ginger and chopped coriander leaves and mix well with your already washed hands.
- Add the crushed royco cubes and the beef masala(optional) and mix well until you are sure everything has blended in well.
- You can now add the beaten eggs and continue mixing until everything is evenly covered.
- Place the frying pan with cooking oil on medium heat and get back to where you had left.
- Take turns to mold the mixture into a ball and roll it over the bread crumbs until you achieve a firm ball.Set aside and continue doing the same until all the mixture is finished.
- Make sure the cooking oil on the pan is hot enough before dipping in enough meatballs.
- Let them cook to golden brown on all sides before removing from the oil.
- Place on a bowl with serviette to drain excess.Repeat the process until all meatballs are cooked
You can now serve with your favorite sauce,rice or even Ugali. Enjoy!
Do not miss all our  Kenyan hot meals recipes
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