Mwamburi Mwangombe Mwambeo Profile

mwamburi mwangombe

Mwamburi Mwangombe Mwambeo is a Literature graduate from Moi University Main Campus. He has worked as a  Director of Communication at The Taita Taveta County Government. He has also held in several other leadership roles.

University Student Leadership

Mwamburi mwangombe is known as one of the best serving student leaders that Moi University has ever had. From the beginning of his MUSO campaign to the end it was evident that he was going to win.

As a MUSO (moi university student organization) chairman, Mwamburi remained loyal to students. he was social and treated everybody equally. Kinyua who is now in 3rd year revealed to us that when he reported to campus as a first year, he missed a room and Mwamburi accommodated him.

He is one student’s leader who spent most of his time fighting for the rights of students rather. Many students who know him say that Mwamburi had only one pair of shoes from the time he got into MUSO to the time he got out of MUSO.

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