Mpost Kenya Registration and how it works (Phone number to Postal address)

Get to know of mpost postal address as phone number and how it works

Learn how to register and convert your mobile number to postal address in Kenya using Mpost. Also get to know how mpost by Postal Corporation works.

What is Mpost?

MPost is a short form of mobile post, a service of the Postal Corporation of Kenya that enables customers to use or convert their mobile phone number into personal Postal Address commonly known as P.O BOX number.

mpost kenya, how to register and convert, use your mobile phone numbers as postal adresss
Mpost Kenya: How to register and convert, use your mobile phone numbers as postal address-P.O BOX number and making money with Ajira Mpost agent/Photo

How much does it cost to use Mpost?

Posta Kenya says that mpost costs Kenya shilling  300 per year. You have to renew every year to keep your mpost  address active.

How does Mpost work?

After registering with mpost using the procedure provided  below, you will be able receive mails via your mpost. You will get an sms alert  anytime your parcel arrives. You can collect your letter or parcel from the post office that you selected during registration.

You also have the option of  your parcel to be delivered to your house or office at an extra fees.

How to register with Mpost

  • Dial  *890*90# or *234*1*9#
  • Enter your ID or passport number (press send)
  • Enter your postal code  (enter the one nearest home)
  • Enter  agent’s mobile number, if not applicable enter zero (o)
  • You will be asked to pay ksh. 300 (enter your proffered service pin)

If your payment does not go through for one reason or another then use mpost paybill number 506500 and Account Number is your phone number and postal code (e.g 0701701411-00100).

NOTE: 00100 is the postal code of Nairobi.  To check for your area just Google your area postal code.

Mpost Contacts

You can contact mpost if your parcel does not arrive  through:

  • Email: 0701701411
  • Phone:
  • Website:
  • Adress: Huduma Center, GPO

Do not miss our update on the review of the benefits of using your mobile phone number as a postal address and how to make money online on the Ajira portal with mpost agent, sup.

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4 responses

  1. Shee Mwachome Avatar
    Shee Mwachome

    It’s a good app, I’ve liked it

  2. Samson Samson Ogamba Avatar
    Samson Samson Ogamba

    Thank you for this service. I wanted to register but the kisii postal office told me that i have to pay 2560 to have a box address. As my understand to this service is my phone number is my address no. I’m I Right. Kindly correct me

  3. are you supposed to pay 100 bob for each item you received whether it’s from outside country or from within. Coz today i went to pick my parcels and was asked to pay sh 400 for my four parcelsthat i had shipped

    1. You are supposed to pay a yearly subscription fee. Any other sending fee or charges should be uncured by the sender.

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