Social marketing has become one of the most appropriate way for organization or businesses to market their business and products online. The rate of interactivity is increasing in Facebook and more so in groups. Unlike Facebook pages, groups give an opportunity to member s or followers to post their content which can easily be read by other members. The admin of the group has only the advantage of pinning a post contrary to Facebook pages where the admin controls what people discuss. Below is a comprehensive list of leading Facebook groups to market your products, services and business online in Kenya. Your pay a little fee for your post to pinned in these groups.
1. Online soko–Online soko is an open Facebook group. The group has about 76, 600 members. It is one of the largest social markets in Kenya. They charge a little fee for advertising, I have no contact of the group admin but you can visit the group and ask for the admin if you need advertising services
2. Soko ya facebook-Soko ya Facebook is an online Facebook trading group where you can find or dispose all kinds of products and services in one place. The group is open and has about 65,000 active members so if you post your ad in this group be sure it will be viewed by more than 50,000 people.
3. soko nyeusi-Soko nyeusi is an open Facebook group with about 46, 500 members. You can sell and buy second hand products in this group. They have their terms and conditions and therefore remember to read them before you engage in any services through this group.
4. Young Kenya marketers-Young Kenya marketers is a Facebook marketing group that has about 25,300 members. It is an open group which means that whatever you post in this group can be viewed by other people who are not members in the group. You can sell your products in this group. I am not sure of the amount they charge to pin your post but I will be posting the exact prices soon.
5. Soko kuu business ideas & more–Soko kuu business ideas & more is a closed Facebook group that allows buying, selling and discussing business ideas. It has about 17,800 members.
6. Buy and sell market. SOKO FB-Buy and sell market. SOKO FB is a closed facebook group with about 12, 700 members. You can buy and sell your product in this group but remember you will arrange on the cash transaction with the client. I have no idea who the admin of this group is.
7. Home marketing (soko nyumbani)–Home marketing (soko nyumbani) is a Facebook marketing group that has about 11, 200 members. Sell and buy anything and meet new buyers and sellers in this Facebook group. I am not sure who is the admin of this group so you can visit the group for any inquiries
8. Online market–Online market is an open facebook group with about 10, 800 members. You can market your job, services or products in this group.
9. Soko Nyeupe-Soko Nyeupe Facebook group is where friends do business and business makes friends. It has about 8, 300 members. You can post post your ads, jobs, products, services and events. You can contact the group admin at Denis Githinji for marketing inquiries.
9. Soko digital-Soko digital is an open facebook group. It has about 7,000 member for marketing of your products. You can contact the group admin at Soko Digitall for advertising
10. Soko la Kenya-Soko Kenya is a facebok group with about 7,000 members. It is a social marketing platform that allows marketing of any product.
11. Soko kuu–Soko kuu is a Facebook marketing group that has about 3,700 members. It is an open group which means whatever you post in this group will be viewed by other people who are not members in the group. You can sell your products in this group. I am not sure of the amount they charge to pin your post but I will be posting the exact prices soon. You can contact the group admin at +254735315415 for marketing inquiries.
Other Groups that have more than a million followers but are not for product marketing include Group Kenya and Lets Cook Kenyan Meals.
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