KUCCPS list of students admitted to Kisii University, admission letters and requirements, 2015

kisii university kuccops admission letters

Kisii University administration will  send  letters to all first years admitted to the university in the September 2015 intake. Kindly  visit HERE to verify that you provided the right postal address. If there is a wrong address given kindly contact E-mail:info@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke , Tel: 020 2610479  and  correct or give your current address.

UPDATE: For a guide on how download kisii University admission letter visit: KISII  kuccps admission letters.

There are those who did not provide their address. You are also  advised to get in-touch with the administration.
In preparation for reporting on  September 2015, do the following things:

  1. Make many photocopies of KCSE result slips, KCSE certificates, school leaving  certificate, national ID/Birth certificate.
  2. Take at least three passport size photographs
  3. Pay fees and other charges
  4. Visit the HELB website www.helb.co.ke for details on how to apply for loans.

For more information about KUCCPS list of students admitted to Kisii University, admission letters, dates and requirements,  visit official website

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