KUCCPS 2024 Cluster Points per Course (Cutoff points for 2024 Entry)

Update on KUCCPS 2018 Cluster Points per Course (Cutoff points for 2019 University Degree Entry)

Below is a table with the official KUCCPS 2024 Cluster Points for degree courses. Get to know your programme cutoff points before joining the university.

Before even, you even start thinking about cluster points, all students with C+ and above can apply for University (Degree courses).

Update on KUCCPS 2018 Cluster Points per Course (Cutoff points for 2019 University Degree Entry)
Update on KUCCPS 2018 Cluster Points per Course (Cutoff points for 2024 University Degree Entry)/Photo

Degree Programmes Cluster Points for 2024

To calculate your cutoff points, click on the course you want among those listed below and see the required subjects that is four in (Cluster Subject 1, 2, 3, and 4). You will only be able to see the courses after login into your kuccps account.

Then go to Go to Cluster Point Calculator to calculate your points.

When will first Revision of Courses Begin?

The first Revision of course start dates have been updated on this page. During the first revision of courses, you will be given a chance to revise the courses that you selected.

What happens if I did not select any courses in Secondary school?

You don’t have to worry. You will have a chance during the first revision of courses to pick your courses from scratch.

KUCPPS University and College Entry Points

KCSE candidates who scored grade C+ and above can apply for degree programmes under government sponsorship formerly known as JAB.

Those students who scored C and C- can apply for Diploma courses and Ds for TVET courses.

Read More: Procedure of KUCCPS revision of courses

NOTE: We have provided a comprehensive update KUCCPS revision dates, placement, and entry points on this page: 2024 KUCCPS Placement Update

KUCCPS Contacts

If you have any revision inquiries, you can contact KUCCPS through;

  • Email: info@kuccps.ac.ke
  • Phone Number: 020 513 7400 or 0723 954 or
  • 927 / 0734 879 662

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38 responses

  1. John kiniaru Avatar
    John kiniaru

    I have attained a mean grade of B- of 57 points ,am interested in teaching maths and physcs but I got C- in English and B in kiswahili am I qualified

  2. Elizabeth wangeci gichuhi Avatar
    Elizabeth wangeci gichuhi

    My son has B+ and 42 cluster point which university should he pursue clinical medicine.

  3. Veronicah Avatar

    I have a B+…..and am not sure whether my cluster points will enable me to pursue dentistry

  4. Mary Mugure Avatar
    Mary Mugure

    Hey…I wanna do education n english and literature/geo-cre but the universities remaini9ng after first revision are not pleasing me like i do not want them so what should i do

    1. Those are the only remaining option. Select the best of your choice among the remaining.

  5. Esther Avatar

    I had an A- of 74 and i applied bachelor of medicine and surgery in UON,KU and Moi and nursing still in UON,KU andMoi universities and i wasn’t placed in any, what will i do? can i apply the same courses in the same universities during the revision or i apply the same course in diffrent universities?

    1. You can apply for any course that is available which you meet the cutoff points.

      1. Abdihafid shukri Hussein Avatar
        Abdihafid shukri Hussein

        I am interested t Clinical medicine I have 61 point B plain I have cluster point of 33.265 and all university are above 34 point what can I do

  6. Ezekiel kipngetich kipkemoi Avatar
    Ezekiel kipngetich kipkemoi

    I got a B plain of 63 points and I chose nursing ,I had a cluster of 35 yet I was not placed,this second revision doesn’t have nursing ,what can I do now coz I had interest in nursing alone

    1. You have to select from the available options

  7. joseph Avatar

    my son applied for engeneering course he had acluster of 46points and 75 points in kcse but did not get any placement in the selection done what might have happened becouse he had an A- grade

    1. If your son is in the list of those who have not been placed, you need to second revision.

  8. eliud ndungu wanjiru Avatar
    eliud ndungu wanjiru

    i registered for kuccps loan but ooops i haven’t received any feedback

  9. nzaka Sam Avatar
    nzaka Sam

    We used 2018 cut off points in revision instead of the 2019 ones how do we know that we qualified for the same.

  10. boniface rono Avatar
    boniface rono

    what is the cut off for university entry for both boys and girls ,i mean c plus for how many points

    1. Please am looking for 2020/2019 cut off cluster points ..help pls

  11. Kuccps❤️❤️❤️❤️.
    Good work.

  12. Kevin Owino Avatar
    Kevin Owino

    This is Kevin Owino I did my KCSE exams in 2018 and scored a C- (36) due to inconvenience I did not apply with kuups in order to get placement .So would it be possible for me to apply again the following year with other incoming students.?

  13. Habiba Avatar

    Correction….was in an extra county..where her heart feels..( above post)

  14. Habiba Avatar

    Hi..my daughter would like to transfer course to clinical medicine at Jomo k university…. During first selection they didn’t have exact cluster points for 2018 so didn’t know what was best… Those down were private..she has B…qualifies for clinical medicine. But Jk..Egerton..needs 40..she is from marginalised county can do well given the opportunity…although was in a extra county school…challenges at school last two yes was terrible…. Not forgetting at home…hence requesting to be given opportunity at Jomo k uni where her heart fells can do well and later help her community in future…please..otherwise her dream will be lost forever. Thank you..

    1. Kindly note that transfers are done at https://students.kuccps.net/ , deadline is July 1, 2019 at 4:00 pm.

    2. Hello Habiba . i also have the same issue. Did you get any assistance maybe you could help me out too

  15. Purity makokha Avatar
    Purity makokha

    I want to pesrue education but am one point below the cluster points wat do I do

  16. sera duncan Avatar
    sera duncan

    am sera Duncan I got c_ but I want to do nursing what is the requirement

  17. I want to take a degree course in clinical medicine. I had 36. 2183 cluster points which University can i tranfer to because I have been selected to pursue a course that I don’t like

  18. Why are we not getting feedback after 1st revision on our emails. Or else how can i know in which university i have placed

    1. Click the link below and download a list with index number of students who were not placed. If your index number is there kindly do second revision. https://kenyayote.co.ke/list-of-students-not-placed-by-kuccps-after-first-revision-of-courses-2019/
      You will be notified which university you have been placed after second revision processing is completed.

  19. Can i get degree nursing with B_ in kcse

  20. Betty lisa Avatar
    Betty lisa

    why am l not getting the transaction code still after making payments using the required procedure

  21. wafula asman oduor Avatar
    wafula asman oduor

    I would like to view my revised courses

  22. Nicholas mbuvi kioko Avatar
    Nicholas mbuvi kioko

    Kuccps has done a commendable job. No hassle just log in with the correct user name and password. The other details are received automatically

  23. Kuccps has done a commendable job. No hassle just log in with the correct user name and password. The other details are received automatically

  24. Morris Ghuti Avatar
    Morris Ghuti

    What if I want to study abroad?

    1. You will have to make your own arrangements because those schools abroad have their own set of requirements different from those in Kenya.

  25. How can I get to know cut off points for various law universities 2019

    1. The procedure has been provided above, kindly go through the post.

  26. Samuel nderitu Avatar
    Samuel nderitu

    I want to pursue a diploma because I got a C plain in kcse so I was asking your help to select courses

    1. That is something you are supposed to do yourself. Just Click in the list of courses the course you want to pursue and see whether you meet the requirements and the Apply.

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