KUCCPS 2024 Inter University Transfer: Change of Course and Campus

KUCCPS 2017 Inter University Transfer Online Process Institution Change

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) 2024 Inter-University transfer online application portal will be open for application from (we will provide the dates later).

KUCCPS 2017 Inter University Transfer Online Process Institution Change
KUCCPS 2024 Inter-University Transfer Online Process Institution Change/photo

Application is for KCSE candidates who have been successfully placed to various universities and colleges in the 2024/2025 cycle but wish to be transferred to other institutions (Government-sponsored).

Application for inter-institution transfer will start on a date that we update later.

How to Apply for Inter-University Transfer

Follow this guide;

  • Step 1; Visit: http://student.kuccps.net
  • Step 2: Click Transfers Tab on Top (Then follow the steps below after payment)

Select the programme you want to transfer to, put the PROGRAMME CODE in the inter-institution transfer field. You will only be allowed to proceed to the next step if you meet the cutoff and minimum requirements.

fill kuccps transfer application details
fill kuccps transfer application details/Photo

Select the Reason for Transfer (Medical, Person With Disability, Financial Reasons, Not my preferred programme or other).

After selecting, attach a document that supports your reason for transfer. For continuing students who want to transfer. You must attach your transcripts.

Then fill in the reason for the Transfer Application in not less than 300 characters and note more than 300 characters.

The next step will load automatically if you have done everything right. Otherwise you will not be able to proceed to the next step.

fill kuccps reason for transfer and attach support document
fill kuccps reason for transfer and attach support document/Photo
  • Step 5: Transfer Payment

Follow the payment procedure that will appear after completing the reason for transfer.  Pay via Lipa Na Mpesa Paybill and enter the Mpesa Confirmation Code.

The system will validate your payment and the next step will load automatically.

Make KUCCPS Transfer Payment via Mpesa
Make KUCCPS Transfer Payment via Mpesa/Photo

Then click submit. Enter your index number if asked to do so and click submit again.


The institution which you applied to transfer to (receiving institution) will receive your transfer and endorse or reject it.

The major factor that will be considered by the receiving institution on whether to approve or reject your application is spaces available in the course you want to join.

  • Step 7: Endorsement By Releasing Institution

Once your transfer has been approved by the receiving institution, the releasing institution will then endorse your transfer.

  • Step 8: Review By KUCCPS

After being endorsed by both the receiving and the releasing institution, KUCCPS  will be notified that the applicant has been accepted to join the institution that he applied to transfer to and he has been released from the institution that he was initially placed.

KUCCPS will then review your application for approval

  • Step 9: Transfer Letter

Once your application has been reviewed by KUCCPS and approved then the next and last step  is downloading the transfer letter and presenting it during admission or reporting.

UPDATE : Transfer Forms can now be filled online. You don’t have to present them to the university of transfer physically.

NOTE 1: You will be required to pay ksh. 1,000 for inter institution transfer. Only proceed if you fully understand the transfer application instructions.

NOTE 3: Only KCSE 2022 candidates are eligible for transfer.

NOTE 4: Change of course within the same University should be done after reporting at your University, not through KUCCPS portal.

Endorsement and approval of application Timelines

The number of days it takes for the receiving institution to endorse your application varies depending on how faster the receiving institution’s registrar of academics is. It can take a day, a week, two weeks, or even a month.

It takes about 14 working days for KUCCPS to review and approve your transfer after it has been endorsed by both the releasing and receiving institution.

Read more about How to write a compelling inter institution transfer letter 

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120 responses

  1. Florence Avatar

    After the endorsement by both receiving and realising is it possible to cancel the transfer before review by kuccps?

  2. Hi,will it be possible to do inter-institution transfer after the placement will be out?

    1. Ye, it is possible.

      Kindly note that we are responding to questions here: https://kenyayote.co.ke/ask/

  3. Kendi Avatar

    If I have been transferred to another university by kuccps and I want to go to the university I was called before,,,can I go to the university I was called before??????

  4. grace makau Avatar
    grace makau

    mount Kenya is taking forever to release me what should I do since they might have assume my transfer

    1. Brian Odhiambo Avatar
      Brian Odhiambo

      How can I get transfer from Tum to Jaramogi university because Tum doesn’t offer Education as a course

  5. Anold Njoroge Avatar
    Anold Njoroge

    How long does it take for kenyatta University to endorse the application if it is the receiving institution

    1. Check our article above on timelines. It responds to your question.

  6. I made an application for inter institutional transfer to umma university on 16June 2020 but my application has never been responded to;neither endorsed nor rejected.What could be the issue?Help me ,am in suspense.

    1. Check our article above on approval timelines.

  7. Lennon Avatar

    when will inter inter transfer be open

    1. Inter University Transfer is open. Subscribe to our education news alerts so that you will always be notified by email.

    2. Shaban abdi Avatar
      Shaban abdi

      When will be transfer letters be out?

      1. Shaban abdi Avatar
        Shaban abdi

        Can l do inter institution transfer after my first semester

  8. Mark lagat Avatar
    Mark lagat

    I would like to change a course from compyuta science to education in south Eastern kenya University.help me with guilines to go theough

    1. Transfer of courses within the same University can be done at the University level not through KUCCPS. If you need to change courses within the same University then contact your University of placement for help. Here are Official University Contacts

  9. Derrill Kennoly Avatar
    Derrill Kennoly

    I want to change my course that is BA English and linguistics pwani university to BoEd arts kiswahili geography pwani university.I have logged into the kuccps transfer tab and entered the seven digit code for BoEd arts pwani but this is what i was told.”CONSIDER THE INTER FACULTY TRANSFER FOR PROGRAMS IN THE SAME UNIVERSITY.”please explain this to me.

    1. You need to do inter university transfer. Not transfer within the same University. If you need to change courses within the same University then contact your University of placement for help. Here are Official University Contacts

  10. Dianah Msagati Avatar
    Dianah Msagati

    I was placed by Kuccps in University since the year 2019. I was unable to go and now I want to do the inter institution transfer. Will this be possible?

    1. Not possible. This is for those who were placed this year.

      1. Vincent Ong'any Avatar
        Vincent Ong’any

        I have made an application for transfer,,,how long will it take to know whether I have succeed

        1. Check our article above on timelines. It responds to your question.

  11. Anold Njoroge Avatar
    Anold Njoroge

    Even after writing the reason for transfer it not going to the next part of payment what could be the problem

    1. Have you checked your characters? They should be between 300 to 600.

      1. Javans Avatar

        After endorsement by receiving institutions is there any possibility for releasing institutions to reject transfer?

        1. Releasing Institution cannot reject if you have been approved by the University you want to join.

      2. Vincent Ong'any Avatar
        Vincent Ong’any

        What are characters that we are told that should be between 300 to 600, for your transfer to go to the next step

        1. Characters are letters in words. For instance, the Word Kenya has five characters.

      3. still no change even after 300+ characters

        1. Make sure that you have attached the supporting documents and the next step will load automatically.

    2. Teresa Avatar

      I want to change my course but in the same institution how do I do it?

  12. Weslay Avatar

    What are this support documents?

  13. moses murai Avatar
    moses murai

    My daughter wants to change her course to BED course and in Kenyatta University from a course in community development in Masai Mara university. How can I know whether the course is available in K.U. ?

    1. Here are courses offered in Kenyatta University: http://ku.ac.ke/2015-12-11-06-09-13/2015-12-11-06-15-10/undergraduate-courses-a-z do not forget to subscribe to our updates using the form above to get Kenyatta University News Alerts.

  14. simeon kibanga mogaka Avatar
    simeon kibanga mogaka

    elp me i want to transfer both university and course

    1. How can I change courses in the same University that I have been placed. Please help

  15. brian kioko Avatar
    brian kioko

    can i change campus from the same institution to a diffred branch of the same institution like from kikuyu campus to kabete campus

  16. Kurui Marion Jebet Avatar
    Kurui Marion Jebet

    Kindly help me I want to change a course but am unable to get procedures

    1. Procedure is provided above.

      1. Lucky Avatar

        Hello when is the inter-university transfer portal being opened?

  17. Kiprono victor Avatar
    Kiprono victor

    Why do kuccps place us on what we never applied??

    1. Applicants who were unable to get the courses of their choice in the institutions they preferred were placed in similar courses in alternative institutions and in programmes that did not attract at least a reasonable percentage of students. The choice was between not placing you at all or placing you at the alternative available programme.

  18. bianca Avatar

    When will the inter-university-transfer portal be open?please let us know.

    1. We will update once the portal is open

    2. Daniel Avatar

      When will the inter- university transfer portal be open.

  19. Collins Avatar

    When will the inter institutions transfer open

    1. After Second revision of courses is complete and all students have been placed.

    2. Purity Omwomo Avatar
      Purity Omwomo

      will we be informed when the inter imstitution transfer is opened.

  20. Ken Murithi Avatar
    Ken Murithi

    When is the next interschool transfer open please?

  21. 7th August
    Is inter-university tranfer still going to open?I honestly needed to tranfer.I need help.

  22. By any chance is Inter-university tranfer still going to open?I honestly needed to tranfer.I hope it aint too late to do that .

  23. ~Paul Makori. Avatar
    ~Paul Makori.

    How can i change university from which am placed now?kindly show if you know

  24. murithi john Avatar
    murithi john

    why the inter_institutional transfer take long at kuccps

  25. how do i apply for a late inter university transfer

  26. How do you change courses after receiving admission letter?

  27. How do i cancel a transfer

  28. Deborah Avatar

    My letter has been reviewed by kuccps it is still pending what might be the problem??

  29. Brian ongubo Avatar
    Brian ongubo

    Can the initial institution refuse to release you even when your university of choice has received you during the transfer process??

    1. sp emperor Avatar
      sp emperor

      off course yes it might refuse

  30. Brian ongubo Avatar
    Brian ongubo

    Iam Brian ongubo how long does it take after finishing the transfer process to be contacted by kuccps to get ur transfer letter for admission?Because I have for a week and there is no response.

  31. Simonpeter kiprob Avatar
    Simonpeter kiprob

    I have aplay for inter university transfer but it has take long at kuccps,what might be the problem??

  32. Simonpeter kiprob Avatar
    Simonpeter kiprob

    Why is transferring process taking long at kuccps??

  33. Isaac Nabiye Avatar
    Isaac Nabiye

    What if I did the whole transfer thing but am no longer intrested to transfer from my innitial institution like I want to remain there even if I received the transfer form?

    1. Tamara Avatar

      You aint serious

  34. Justus k mulwa Avatar
    Justus k mulwa

    Hallo please what this support document under the selection of Not my preffered programme

    1. Vincent Avatar

      Is it possible for me to change my course from bachelor of arts with IT to bachelor of science in nursing?

  35. what is support document?

    1. naboth kip Avatar
      naboth kip

      support doc. is either the pdf of the expained reason or any other related file saved in your computor

  36. Mercy Wanjiru Nyaga Avatar
    Mercy Wanjiru Nyaga

    Can I change my course and transfer in another university

  37. joseph mwatabu Avatar
    joseph mwatabu

    why transfer portal not yet openned?

  38. Anthony Mutiso Avatar
    Anthony Mutiso

    Anthony Mutiso how can ichange the course in the same university?

  39. Onyonka Vincent Ombati Avatar
    Onyonka Vincent Ombati

    can i change my course from bachelor of arts with IT to bachelor of science in nursing on the same institution?

  40. Naomi chepchumba kirongo Avatar
    Naomi chepchumba kirongo

    How to download inter university transfer form

    1. naomi chepchumba kirongo Avatar
      naomi chepchumba kirongo

      I have done all the procedures only to do with inter university transfer form but i dont knw how to download the form

    2. naboth kip Avatar
      naboth kip

      no more need for downloading. maybe if it is for personal use. bt now the process is automatic

      1. Joseph Avatar

        I am Joseph kyalo, am placed at jaramongi odinga university to take community health and development course 2020/21 and I want to change to bachelor of education science at Kenyatta university..kindly assist

  41. Anthony Mutiso Avatar
    Anthony Mutiso

    I am Anthony Mutiso13May 2019 i am placed at Kenyatta University Educatio Arts i want to change to clinical medicine what should i do?

    1. naboth Avatar

      you already have the procedures. just type the program code.the next procedure [reason] will pop up. choose one of them. now explain your reason on the next space. the file to choose is either the pdf of the explained reason [ this time in form of a formal letter] or any other support doc. maybe medical or any.. but you need to combine them if more than one.. you will be done after sending the service fee and confirming.. i thnk its helpfull

  42. Caroline Avatar

    Is it possible to change my course online before admission to the university

  43. BRIAN Avatar

    How long does the process takes

  44. KITSAO JOSEPH Avatar


    1. naboth Avatar

      just explain your reason and save it as pdf[then load it on [choose file]. no more need for downloading since the process is now automated

  45. Gitonga Muchiri Avatar
    Gitonga Muchiri

    How long will it take to be contacted by KUCCPS so that I can be finally admitted since they have not yet replied to me yet I followed the procedure. How long will I wait to get the admission letter and finally get admitted?

    1. Check kuccps portal to confirm where you have been placed

  46. Mwambire Tom Avatar
    Mwambire Tom

    Am not able to fill the part for the reason change of institution
    The system is not picking

  47. kosgey Avatar

    I’ve tried to apply online interuniversity transfer but can’t download the transfer form,,what can I do?

  48. Kipngetich Bismark Avatar
    Kipngetich Bismark

    How can I change the course in the same institution

  49. Davis Avatar

    can I just switch the course online in the same university

  50. Benard Gathura Avatar
    Benard Gathura

    please answer these comments,tunasubiri.

  51. Jackline wakuthii Karimi Avatar
    Jackline wakuthii Karimi

    Where IS the form of transfer to fill online?

    1. Kindly use the online transfer procedure provided above

  52. Brian mika Avatar
    Brian mika

    I have tried to download my admission letter from garisa University by it does not respond also which date the kuccps transfer portal be open,reason for asking is that I have placed by kuccps in garisa University for 2019/2020 internaship

  53. tinnah Avatar

    can the institution transfer be curried on through online?

  54. Grace Wanjiru Ngiciri Avatar
    Grace Wanjiru Ngiciri

    Today is second of May yet I can’t open the inter-university transfer.Has the transfer started?

    1. Have you managed you show me how you did it?

  55. Mary wairimu Avatar
    Mary wairimu

    How can change a course in the same institution I was placed

  56. Rickson kitum Avatar
    Rickson kitum

    How can i perform online University transfer …. without goiy to the institution

  57. Safari Brian Maigwa Avatar
    Safari Brian Maigwa

    The portal says ” the online transfer is only available for students placed in current cycle.” What does that mean

    1. Students placed in 2019

  58. Safari Brian Maigwa Avatar
    Safari Brian Maigwa

    Today is 1st may and transfer portal not yet open ,what is the problem

  59. Can institution transfer be done online?

  60. Frankline Avatar

    while changing the course I have been placed how much do they charge

    1. Dorothy komen Avatar
      Dorothy komen


    2. Ben Ochieng Avatar
      Ben Ochieng


  61. Clare chepkirui Avatar
    Clare chepkirui

    Am I supposed to travel to the University I want to change to or online can do,please

    1. Caroline Gacheri Avatar
      Caroline Gacheri


  62. robin cheruiyot Avatar
    robin cheruiyot

    how can this procceses of changing university can be done online instead of moving here and their

  63. Harrison Gitonga Avatar
    Harrison Gitonga

    Can one transfer to another university?

    1. YOU CAN

  64. Vincent imbosa Avatar
    Vincent imbosa

    When am changing the institution that i have been placed in through kuccps, must i travel with the form to the institution that i want to change from or i can just do it online?

  65. jojo owen Avatar
    jojo owen

    how can i change a course in the same university

  66. Harrison Avatar

    How can i change the institution that I have been placed by kuccps during the 2019 placement

  67. James njihia kibe Avatar
    James njihia kibe

    How can one change the university one has been placed today

  68. Okoth Russel Avatar
    Okoth Russel

    how can i change the course i have been given to another course in another university

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