Academic activities in Kisii University Migori Campus have come to a halt after the institution’s premises were locked on Saturday by the landlord over a debt of Sh2.4 million six month’s rent arrears.
According to a lecturer who didn’t want his identity revealed, the university pays sh1.6 million to the tenant four-times a year. He, however confirmed that the institution had failed to honor the debt forcing the landlord to hang padlocks on the institution’s doors.
The anonymous don raised suspicion on the institution’s closure noting that the campus is accredited by the Commission of University Education.

The source said the stalemate is an issue between the landlord and the school. He urged the students to remain calm as the matter is resolved.
Affected students have blamed the institution for failure pay the rent yet they had paid their fees in time.
Ronald Otieno a student leader has called upon the school administration to move with speed to resolve the issue.
The institution’s director Mong’ are Omae said that normal operations will resume soon.
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