JSS interns protest contract renewal without confirmation as PNP

JSS interns confirmation as PNP

Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers working as interns have protested plans by TSC to renew their contracts without confirming them as permanent and pensionable (PNP) employees. The JSS teachers do not want to remain interns because of poor pay and lack of other benefits associated with being a PNP teacher.

JSS interns are paid Ksh. 17,000 per month, while the lowest PNP teacher is paid Ksh. 25,000.

The Forum for Good Governance and Human Rights Group has filed a petition in the Employment and Labour Relations Court of Kenya protesting the delay in confirming JSS teachers. In the petition, the group wants the court to compel the Minister of Education and TSC to confirm JSS teachers who have been working as interns for a long period. The case will be heard on March 07, 2024.

The over 21,000 JSS inters whose contract expired on 31 December 2023, held demonstrations in different parts of the country demanding TSC to address the issues in contention as per their legal demand.

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