Jenga Payment Gateway, API: What it is, How to use (Finserver Africa)

Jenga Payment Gateway and Jenga API integration, registration, charges and what it is equity bank

Jenga Payment Gateway is an online payment system brought to Kenyans by Equity Bank through Finserver Africa. In this article you will get to learn how to register and start using Jenga Payment Gateway and API.

Jenga Payment Gateway and Jenga API integration, registration, charges and what it is equity bank
Get to understand what is Jenga Payment Gateway, Jenga API integration, Finserve contacts and Hapo Equity Bank account for online transactions/Photo Launch Day

What is Jenga Payment Gateway?

Jenga Payment Gateway system is an online payment system that lets merchants integrate a number of payment methods like Credit Card or Debit Card, Visa Mpesa, PayPal, Mastercard, Alipay, Masterpass, to their eCommerce or websites or payment portals. It is available in a number of countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.  Jenga Payment Gateway is managed by Finserver Africa.

What is Finserver Africa?

Finserver africa is a financial technology company that is owned by Equity Group Holdings Limited.  It invests in Digital Banking and Online Payment systems. It is uses Equitel as its carrier. You can learn more about Finserver through its official website

Equity Bank account for Jenga Pay Transactions (Hapo)

You will be required to create an Equity Bank HAPO account which can perform all the same functions as a normal Equity bank account. The benefits of creating this account include but are not limited to;

  • You will get access to all other APIs
  • Instant notifications for every singe movement of money
  • Real-time insights
  • 3rd party instant payment notifications
  • Real-Time reconciliations
  • Online account statements

Jenga Payment Gateway supported pay methods

Jenga Payment Gateway allows merchants to collect card information from clients that will facilitate accepting or making online payment. Payment methods supported include;

  • Card: Visa, Mastercard or American Express
  • Equitel
  • Airtel Money
  • MTN Money
  • Tigo Cash

NOTE: More payment methods will be updated

How to register with Jenga Payment Gateway?

Below is how to create an account and start using Jenga Payment Gateway in your online website or shop.

  • To register visit:
  • Select whether you are interested in Jenga Payment Gateway or Jenga API
  • Provide Some Details about yourself
  • After you have completed filling the registration form click submit
  • Wait for contact from Jenga HQ

NOTE: You must be a developer to integrate the Jenga API or Payment Gateway to your website. You can as well get intouch with guys at Jenga HQ for help with integration through

Jenga Payment gateway Front Website page
Jenga Payment gateway Front Website page/Photo Screen Shot

Jenga Payment Gateway Transaction Costs

This is how much it will cost you when using  Jenga pay.

Website Cards Transaction Cost

Visa, MC, JCB, Maestro, Diners club, CUP 3.5%
AMEX and Pay Pal 3.5%
Monthly $ 50
SSL Certificate(Sites not secured) $60 (annually)


Mobile Money Equitel, Airtel, Mpesa, Transaction

Transaction value (Network Dependent) MSC
1 TO 70,000 (for Equitel, Mpesa and Airtel Money) 1%
70,001 to 300,000 (for Equitel) 1%
Monthly WAIVED


Jenga API Transaction charges

Here is what you will be charged for transaction through Jenga API.

a) MIGS APIs charges 

Visa, MC, JCB, Maestro, Diners club, CUP 2.70%
AMEX and Pay Pal 3%

b) Partner Portal transaction cost

Transaction volumes p.m. (KES) 0 -10,000,000 10,000,001 – 50,000,000 50,000,001 and above
Fixed Charge p.m. (KES) 5,000 10,000 20,000

c) API Calls

API Calls p.m. 0 – 100,000 100,001 and above
ACost per call (KES) Free 1.00

d) Open Banking API Transaction Charges

Range Wallet Mpesa/Airtel money wallets Pesalink RTGS SWIFT Paybills
1-100 0 0 550 1650 0
101-500 11 0 550 1650 22
501-1000 15 15 550 1650 22
1001-1500 25 15 550 1650 33
1501-2500 40 20 550 1650 33
2501-3500 55 20 550 1650 55
3501-5000 60 20 550 1650 55
5001-7500 75 50 550 1650 83
7 501-10 000 85 50 550 1650 83
10 001-15 000 95 80 550 1650 110
15 001-20 000 100 80 550 1650 110
20 001-35 000 110 80 550 1650 110
35 001-50 000 N/A 80 550 1650 198
50 001-100 000 N/A 100 550 1650 220
00 001-500 000 N/A 300 550 1650 N/A
500 001-999 999 N/A 500 550 1650 N/A


More Details about Jenga API Integration

Jenga Payment Gateway supports the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Framework, requiring you to provide a username and password, as well as an API key that you generate on Jenga

Once you have a token you can make subsequent requests to initiate payments, check completed transactions and more.

Jenga Payment Gateway Integration API keys
Jenga Payment Gateway Integration API keys/Photo by Finserve Africa

Jenga Payment Gateway Contacts


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