Is Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Training Programme worth it?

Teacher Professional Development modules

Allow me wade in the debate pitting TSC Kenya on one side and Teachers Kenya about TPD Training programme. There are lots of grey areas in the decision of TSC to run Teacher Professional Development by charging teachers to train them on pedagogy.

A quick look at Article 237(2) of the Constitution, the Commission is mandated to perform the following functions: Register trained teachers, Review the standards of education and training of persons entering the teaching service and Review the demand for and supply of teachers. Nowhere in this mandate is the Commission explicitly mandated to train teachers. Why TSC is now turning to training teachers is baffling.

I am a product of the school of education of Moi University; both content and pedagogy that I was trained in are still fresh in my head. Let TSC be reminded that teachers were not trained to teach a particular curriculum. That is why most of our teachers have delivered so well in IGCSE and IB systems. Why does TSC KE assume that teachers were trained to teach 8:4:4?

Teacher Professional Development modules
Tutors attending a training of Teacher Professional Development modules/ Photo by TSC

I have a lot of respect for teachers churned out from Kenyatta University, the University of Nairobi, Maseno University, JKUAT and MMUST. Every village in this republic has a teacher from any of these named universities. JKUAT and Moi were contracted by KICD to develop the DLP gadgets. Why TSC left out these universities to settle on Riara and KIM leaves a lot to desire to know. The University of Nairobi being a world class leader in education and training in the region should have been given priority in this. Does KIM and Riara have the Technical and Physical capacity to train teachers in pedagogy? Who was behind the picking of these institutions? What stakes are in the deal? What was dangled in return?

I know the best schools of education are at Kenyatta University, Moi University, University of Eldoret, Maseno University and MMUST. These should have been given priority.

In Conclusion;

Let TSC stick to it’s mandates and core business.

Let TSC just lay down conditions for promotion and leave it to the teachers to decide. Who told TSC that all teachers want promotion. Some are taking Masters and PHDs for other reasons.

I have never seen an employer that hates its employees like TSC . We have a “Mdosi-mboch” relationship with our employer. Too bad.

Why can’t TSC borrow the model being used by PSCK Kenya? A two weeks refresher course at the Kenya School of Government is enough to earn one a promotion in the PSCK. Why expose teachers to such mistreatment.

This is an opinion article about the newly introduced Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training modules. The opinion was shared by Omulupi WA Omulupi‎ as it is.

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One response

  1. TSC imechukulia walimu kua wajinga sana threatening them at every given opportunity,making decisions for teachers,unfair transfers among other things yaani they just want to frustrate a teacher just because they added them some few coins they want to make sure those coins return to them.there’s no justice.May God see the teacher.

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