How to Pass Mathematics KCSE Exams, Maths Past Papers with Answers

Guide on How to Pass Mathematics KCSE Exams and pdf Maths Past Papers with Answers

Passing Maths KCSE Exam tips: If you ask any student right now, the subject they find most challenging in school, 90% will tell you it is mathematics. Whether in high school or primary school, the narrative is still the same. But despite the notion that most students have, maths is one of the easiest subjects to pass especially in high school. Wondering how? Well because it`s all about mastering the concepts in the problems you solve. It`s not about memorising the formulas, it`s all about learning and understanding how the formulas work. Having a firm grasp and a clear understanding on how to break down a problem, step by step until you find the solution.

Guide on How to Pass Mathematics KCSE Exams and pdf Maths Past Papers with Answers
Guide on How to Pass Mathematics KCSE Exams and pdf Maths Past Papers with Answers/Photo


Section A and B of KCSE Maths

KNEC KCSE Mathematics paper have two sections; A and B.

Section A contains the simpler and much shorter problems to solve. In section B, you`ll encounter the longer questions that you are supposed to solve.  However, this is where most students go wrong, by assuming the questions are difficult just because they are longer.

For the smart students, this is the section that they score better, because the questions are longer but with better points. Out of mostly 9 questions, each contains 10 points. So if you happen to solve just 5 questions correctly in section B, you already have 50 solid points, easy right?

Passing mathematics during your KCSE exams does not have a specific formula that you follow. What mostly matters is your attitude. How you prepare for your exam, how you revise and how you finally approach the exam.

So how do you pass your KCSE Mathematics exams?

  • Start your revision early, like 4 months before the exam starts or even earlier than that.  Do not wait until the last moments to start running up and down trying to understand the concepts you had difficulties with. When you start revising early for your KCSE, it gives you ample time to go through all the topics that you encountered difficulties in.
  • Don`t just pick up a mathematics book and start working on random problems. Before you start revising, start by noting down the topics that you encountered lots of difficulties. After you`re comfortable with those topics then you can revise on what you find easier just to make sure you still have a grasp on them.
  • Make mathematics revision a daily habit. You don`t have to solve 50 questions daily, but you can create your own schedule, plan and the number of mathematical problems you`ll solve in a day.
  • Be flexible with mathematics and have an open mind. I f you attend a maths class with a mentality of the subject being difficult, definitely it will be difficult. However, if you are positive and flexible, you won`t have any trouble understanding the problems and even solving them.
  • Do not be afraid to make inquiries: If you encounter difficulties while trying to solve some maths problems, do not be afraid to ask for help. Either from your peers or teachers. Be bold and confident enough to want to learn and get better at it.
  • Do not rely on one source for your revision. Mathematical concepts do not change; they are and have always been the same internationally. However, revise using different text books, sample papers, and revision books. This is because different authors and book righters break down solutions differently. Using different revision materials gives you a broader approach to questions, which also gives you an option to learn and understand different concepts and also decide which method to use while tackling the exams.

KCSE Maths Past Papers with answers

You can download high quality KCSE mathematics revision papers from Just visit the website and click on revision papers to download pdf  math past paper with answers.


In conclusion, passing mathematics in KCSE is not rocket science, it`s as easy as you decide to make it. If you start preparing early enough, have a positive and flexible mind-set, then you`ll reap nothing short of the best results.

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2 responses

  1. I really love mathematics
    Thank you for the tips

  2. Marion ngeny Avatar
    Marion ngeny

    It was helpful to learn tips of passing mathematics

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