How to Download University of Nairobi KUCCPS Admission Letter

How to get or Download University of Nairobi (UoN) KUCCPS Admission Letter

Below is a comprehensive guide on how to download the University of Nairobi (UoN) admission letter for KUCCPS students (Government Sponsored students).

How to get or Download University of Nairobi (UoN) KUCCPS Admission Letter
How to get or Download University of Nairobi (UoN) KUCCPS Admission Letter/ Photo

University of Nairobi KUCCPS student Admission Letters

These are letters for government students who made their application through KUCCPS portal and were placed to the University of Nairobi.

How Download University of Nairobi Admission Letters

To download your University of Nairobi admission letter for academic year 2022/2023 or any other year use the procedure below;

  1. Download the list of students placed by KUCCPS to University of Nairobi from UON official Website: After downloading the pdf, search for your name and get your admission number also known as Registration Number. If there is no admission number in the list, use the ref number sent to you via the contact details you provided at kuccps portal.
  2. Now that you have your admission visit;
  3. Login to the portal (Username is your registration number and Password is your Use your National ID / Passport No, or KCSE Index No, or Registered Mobile No)
  4. Download your admission letters and all related forms like letter of acceptance form (J1/1A), Medical Examination  form (J1/3), Accommodation form (J1/7A)
  5. Fees should be paid to your respective college
  6. Download and fill all these forms and return them as required
  7. Those  facing  any  problems while  accessing  their student portal can contact admission office using the contacts provided below

University of Nairobi Admission Dates for KUCCPS students

Admission dates are indicated in your admission letters. Registration will commence at 8.00 am and all students are therefore advised to register at their respective centers as per the joining instructions.

How to apply for accommodation

To apply for accommodation visit  and click Book Room menu. You can only get accommodation in campus after you have completed paying your schools fees.

How do I do Course Transfer?

To transfer course use the following procedure;

  • Check whether you meet the requirements of the course you want to transfer to
  • Write a letter to the academic registrar through your Schools Dean explaining why you want to transfer and to which course
  • You will pay a transfer fees of ksh. 1000 at the institution

Can I defer my Studies?

Yes, but you must write a letter to your academic register requesting for deferment.

University of Nairobi Admission Contacts

News students who are facing difficulties should contact the University through;

  • Telephone Number: +25420-4910000 or +254204913027 or +25420-4913199
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Main Campus, Room No. 112, Central Administration block

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13 responses

  1. Nathan maina kihuria Avatar
    Nathan maina kihuria

    Please i am a continuing student at kikiyu campus ,,,I want to download my admission letter,,,how do I go about it

  2. Isaac Owuor Avatar
    Isaac Owuor

    I was placed in University of Nairobi but still I can’t confirm my Admission status, and even I don’t know my registration number

    1. UON Admission Letters are not ready for download. Subscribe to our email above and we will alert you via email when they are ready.

  3. Nicole Achieng Awende Avatar
    Nicole Achieng Awende

    I already have an admission letter but I cannot access to my student portal. It keeps on denying my info. How should I go about it

  4. Stephen Avatar

    I transferred to Uon and I already have the calling letter but still can’t log in to students portal to apply for a room kindly help .
    regards Stephen

  5. Simel Karino Simel Avatar
    Simel Karino Simel

    I dropped my transfer letter to uon last Monday, when will I get the admission letter?

  6. Fridah Mong'are Avatar
    Fridah Mong’are

    How will I know if letters have been dispatched for the 2019 students joining UON

  7. Faustin Avatar

    Hi… Can do interfaculty transfer online?

  8. Denzel Avatar

    How do i get the admission letter of 2019/2020 and how do i do the online inter faculty transfers

  9. Erick mugo Avatar
    Erick mugo

    When will the admission letters for the year 2019/2020 be published

  10. Rodgers Odhiambo Avatar
    Rodgers Odhiambo

    My first application to UoN failed,I scored a B plain,kindly assist me secure a chance in actuarial science

    1. George muoki Avatar
      George muoki

      Brother,kindly your course occupies A’s in UON,thus it may be trick for a Bplain to secure engineering course in ion,try other course or try the same course elsewhere,,,,

  11. evans ouma Avatar
    evans ouma

    excuse me, how can i know if my application went through and placed in which college or university

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