How to apply for TSC Internship jobs online

tsc internship application procedure and requirements

Below is a comprehensive procedure on how to apply for Teachers Service Service Commission (TSC) internship vacancies online for primary and secondary schools.

tsc internship application procedure and requirements
TSC internship application guide/Photo

TSC Internship Positions

TSC intends to recruit thousands of jobless graduates to meet the government’s requirement of student-to-teacher ratio in secondary and primary schools in Kenya.

Secondary school interns will be paid ksh. 15,000 per month while primary school interns will be paid Kenya shillings 10,000 monthly.

The internship will last for a period of 12 months. After completing the interns, the teacher will be awarded certificates

The deadline for application varies from year to year

Requirements of TSC Internship application

To be a TSC intern, you must meet the following requirements;

How to apply for  TSC Internship jobs Online

  1. Visit:
  2. At the top of the website go to CAREERS menu
  3. Then go to Recruitment of teachers
  4. Then click on Apply for Teachers Internship positions.
  5. You will be redirected to TSC hrmis App where you will have login and to apply
  6. Fill in the required information on the last page until you complete your online application form.

Option 2: Alternatively go to and click on the Recruitment of Teachers intern link, log in, and apply.

Any one of the two methods of application provided above should work.

UPDATE: If you notice that the application website is slow or has errors, or if you are seeing recruitment is now closed, then try applying later when the portal is active.

NOTE: Manual application forms are not accepted by TSC.

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85 responses

  1. Kevin adagi Avatar
    Kevin adagi

    Please extend time for application of internship.the internet has been hanging for the last two weeks

  2. I’ve had sleepless nights trying but all invain. This is unfair.

  3. margaret Avatar

    mine has been submitted bt some are pending others new. why? then I clicked part ya disability by mistake n am not able to delet what can I do?

    1. Peter Ondimu Avatar
      Peter Ondimu

      I wonder that some people managed to apply… the local servers were not opening… which servers were you using…

  4. System busy all those days .deadline with us and stl no light what will b the way forward.

  5. immaculate Augustine Avatar
    immaculate Augustine

    details are correct after several confirmation but invalid log in details am stuck


    I have attempted to apply since 9th October 2019 up to date but all in vain. Today I know more than 100 000 teachers like me are going to have a lit of pain and sorrow o their hearts since they shall be locked out. It is like Kenya is not ready for online job application. Kindly next time let us apply manually for heavenly sake .

  7. Edwin Momanyi Avatar
    Edwin Momanyi

    After day per day struggle for the last 2 weeks, I never managed to apply as the web portal kept displaying “system busy, please try later”….. on and on finally “403 code forbidden”

  8. Owuor Elly Avatar
    Owuor Elly

    Please! please! kindly assist me to apply , every time network busy.

  9. Jacktone Avatar

    the two links are not accessible y and the deadline is tomorrow, we need jobs can the incharger IT department to wake up. JACKTONE from migori county.

  10. Tobias wanyonyi , bungoma Avatar
    Tobias wanyonyi , bungoma

    I dont understand you real, whow can you post internship and yet your system is not working. You are unfair it seems you posted internship and you are already selected .

  11. ayub mwita Avatar
    ayub mwita

    I now urge TSC to allow teachers apply manually to their respective sub_county directors because we are heading to the dedline and when you try accessing the portal,, there is jam of over 56thousand people who are not willing to quit the site!!

  12. Loonkushu s peter Avatar
    Loonkushu s peter

    The system is too slow to apply especially in this parts of Mara.
    I have been trying all the days since, it is in vain. The deadline is also approaching. Some days should be increased and system fate be improved to give everyone interested apply.

  13. Elizabeth Avatar

    The deadline for the internship application is 23rd Oct 2019 and the application site has been jammed making people to have sleepless nights trying to access in vain. I hereby suggest that TSC IT department consider increasing the band width to enable interested persons to apply.

  14. come one TSC IT officials. We are running out of time yet the website is still busy! nkt!

  15. Jared Maosa Gisemba Avatar
    Jared Maosa Gisemba

    The site isn’t reachable yet we are running out of time;let the period for online application be extended.I have been trying for a couple of days all in vain.

  16. My creditials are invalid why and there my true details

  17. why is it too hard for Wanjiku to apply

  18. the system is telling me that I have invalid login credentials what might be the problem coz I have key in my real documents. plz help

  19. pascaliah Avatar

    what’s all abt user name and password mine not working

  20. Thomas Mochama Avatar
    Thomas Mochama

    Waaah all night trying but all in vein ,what can we do now.

  21. why dont i receive my authenticating sms code?i want to move to the next step kindly

  22. please help where are the forms in this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. ICT Department in TSC office do your work. website not working

  24. i have tried to register for TSC internship vacancies online since yesterday but in vain. the system is busy or displays an error. help please

  25. william amboka Avatar
    william amboka

    Impossible to apply for TSC internship online
    if you try this are the outcome
    1.403 Forbidden
    2. 502 bad gateway
    3. website in temporarily busy or no longer working.

  26. those within naivasha contact me i apply for you its working jubilee mall room 103

  27. the link to that site seems to be busy during the day…pls try midnight when the network traffic is low


  29. mine has gone successful the website has alot of jam so try many times as possible,

  30. Impossible to apply for TSC internship online
    if you try this are the outcome
    1.403 Forbidden
    2. 502 bad gateway
    3. website in temporarily busy or no longer working.


  31. bad gateway bad gateway bad gatway badgetway my foot

  32. The server is facing a problem, be sincere and give us direction.Five days unsuccessfully trying to access a site can not be blamed on the internet providers

  33. patrick simiyu Avatar
    patrick simiyu

    the portal is not accessible,,,


    the website is so flooded can they be two…since it’s not going through. have tried several times.

  35. FELIX SAMMY Avatar

    The application site is not opening, way forward!!!!!!???????

  36. what does one use as user name and password yet there is no place to create account or register.Thia is really confusing and making people not to apply till now.

  37. Is not working please help

  38. anonymous Avatar

    the site is not opening at all..what do i do?

  39. Mutisya William Avatar
    Mutisya William

    This online application is it workable? I have tried but I have not succeeded! How are we doing it ? Please help.

  40. Don’t take advantage of desperate Kenyan youth looking for jobs God is watching you.

  41. How do I find the link to apply for interns . The link I have is not responding

  42. Sylvia muganzi Avatar
    Sylvia muganzi

    I need this job kindly consider

  43. Nancy Otieno Avatar
    Nancy Otieno

    i have tried my best but the portal doesn’t exist,almost losing hope though i need this Job(p1)

  44. Lauryne cheptolo Avatar
    Lauryne cheptolo

    This website is not loading,have been trying for so long

  45. Mwale Johnstone Avatar
    Mwale Johnstone

    Am trying to register am told my id and phone no already in use, what might be the issue.

  46. Linet Mukori Avatar
    Linet Mukori

    how do i create a login account for me to use the hrmis login to apply for the the teacher intern position

    1. Wycliffe Avatar

      The intern portal doesn’t respond completely

  47. Peter mutiga Avatar
    Peter mutiga

    The site is not opening. What should I do. i would like to apply for teacher’s intern jobs . kindly assist.

  48. mtu anapata aje username na password?? kindly assist

    1. tujibiwe hii swali aki

  49. Sheila chepkirui Avatar
    Sheila chepkirui

    I have just applied for tsc 0n 8th this month and I would like to apply for intern ..the problem is my tsc no is not out how can I do this

  50. Polycarp Amata Avatar
    Polycarp Amata

    How do you create an account to enable yu to have username and password to log in

  51. faith syombua Avatar
    faith syombua

    where do I get user name and password?

  52. Lydia cheptanuikemboi Avatar
    Lydia cheptanuikemboi

    I have forgotten password

    1. You can change your password.

  53. Faith langat Avatar
    Faith langat

    where doe one get the password and username

    1. a good querry that am asking myself

  54. Site not opening for intern application.
    My TSC application has not been processed one month down the line.forvhow linvshould I wait?

  55. AGNES MAKENA Avatar


  56. Nancy chebet Avatar
    Nancy chebet

    Where do you get the user name kindly pliz

  57. jesca namukuru khakame Avatar
    jesca namukuru khakame

    i cant find the intern application portal. how to i regester before loging in to make my application

  58. Achieng Judie Ouma Avatar
    Achieng Judie Ouma

    Hello,my username and password is not recognized by the system,what do I do?I would like to apply for the p1 internship please.

  59. Please let me know the insurance reqired i believe you meant NHIF

    1. haha its a personal insurance cover i. e from heritage etc


    am trying to register yet it says my id is already in use. have not set password yet. help me

    1. Wanyama Kenyatta Avatar
      Wanyama Kenyatta

      Tried to apply since but not accessing the site.

  61. Is the tsc online application working? Am being asked for a password. Which password please? Help me

  62. Kalama john Avatar
    Kalama john

    How do i create a login account on the teachersonline link???

    1. Japhet Kobia Avatar
      Japhet Kobia

      Unable to apply for internship job,the system is not working.

  63. Mokaya Gibson Nyagesoa Avatar
    Mokaya Gibson Nyagesoa

    how can i apply for internship kindly

    1. Stephen mutinda kiminza Avatar
      Stephen mutinda kiminza

      Can I apply without c certificate of good contact and upload oh later when published by DCI


      I have been trying and all in vain,please help.I don’t have an account either.

  64. havent seen “apply icon” where is it specifically

  65. francis munyoki Avatar
    francis munyoki

    please help on how to create an account so
    as to apply for interns

  66. RagotoOchieng Ochieng Vincent Avatar
    RagotoOchieng Ochieng Vincent

    p1 intern application

  67. Paul onjwaya Avatar
    Paul onjwaya

    I need this job consider me

  68. I’ve forgotten my username and password, what can I do?


      The system is saying wrong ID and I know it’s correct kindly assist me

    2. AMOS AMOS Avatar

      How did you get the password/username

  69. Philemon Avatar

    Application forms not available here

    1. Application forms are not required, you have to apply online

  70. Website not reachable

    1. Because of too much traffic…try later

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