How to Apply For University Industrial Attachment (Requirements)

How to Apply For University Industrial Attachment

Getting an industrial attachment in Kenya is not that easy. Its more like looking for a job. This is because most companies don’t want the committeemen of having to invest on training. However, there are companies that accept attachment. They  train  interns on how to work for the first 2 week then use them as their  staff (without payment) for the 3 months of attachment.

What is Industrial Attachment?

Industrial attachment is the training that students mostly those who are heading to fourth year get to make them acquainted to career work. Students have to write a report after completing their industrial attachment which is then graded.

How to Apply For University Industrial Attachment
How to Apply For University Industrial Attachment/Photo by Kenyayote

How To apply for Industrial attachment

To apply for industrial attachment you need the following;

  1. Attachment letter from your university or college. Ensure that it is stamped and signed
  2. A log-book that will be used in recording what you have been doing while in the attachment
  3. Your CV.
  4. Insurance cover provided by the university or Personal Attachment Insurance Cover
  5. Your personal attachment application letter
  6. Your certificates which show your achievements.
  7. Your school ID
  8. Transcript if any

For attachment opportunities visit: Site to get industrial attachment.

You can also download this free industrial attachment report.

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One response

  1. Muteyian Beatrice Avatar
    Muteyian Beatrice

    Hello! Am Muteyian Beatrice, a student from Eldoret Technical Training Institute. I am pursuing Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology. I am asking if i can get am attachment at KMRI.

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