Government Asked To Rescue Parents from School Uniforms Tenderpreneurs

ministry of education Asked To Rescue Parents from School Uniforms Tenderpreneurs

The cost of buying school uniforms has been burden for Kenyan Parents when their children transition from primary school to secondary schools.

Machakos County Chief of Staff Mwengi Mutuse commented on the matter saying that it is time for the government through the ministry of education to stop school principals from making it mandatory for parents to get costumes from a specific store.

ministry of education Asked To Rescue Parents from School Uniforms Tenderpreneurs
ministry of education Asked To Rescue Parents from School Uniforms Tenderpreneurs/Photo by Memusi Foundation

Why would a parent not be allowed to purchase the uniform from the shops at an affordable price? Those with tenders to supply school uniforms in different schools are the only beneficiaries as the parents suffer. Parents need only specifications about uniform and they can source them any place they find affordable,” he said.

The county Chief of Staff was speaking at Malivini Early childhood Education center in Kibwezi West Constituency. He indicated that the issue of uniforms is now a booming business in schools where parents acquire them at a double price in schools compared to other outlets.

Mr. Mutuse expressed his disappointments on how parents were turned back because of failing to meet the uniform fees. He termed it unfair as parents should have the option of buying uniforms from a place of their choice.

He pointed out that every child is entitled to quality education.

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