2023 Form One Selection: How to check placement results

How to check form one secondary school selected to join

What follows is a guide for KCPE 2023 Candidates on how to check for form one selection and download 2023 admission letter for the secondary school that you have been placed in. All students should be able to know which school they will join.

2018 for one selection, secondary school placed, admission letter download for 2019
2023 Form One Selection, checking Secondary school placed, and how to download Admission Letter/Photo Source

Criteria of Secondary school selection

The criteria used for placement of KCPE 2023 Candidates to various secondary schools is based on merit or performance. Background of the school is also considered. Form one selection is categorized into three;

  • National Schools
  • Extra County Schools (Formally Provincial Schools)
  • County Schools

Selection will start with National schools then proceed to county schools and sub-county secondary schools.

How to Check Secondary School Selected to join

To check the secondary schools that you have been selected to join in 2023 by the Ministry of education, use the the procedure below.

To check the secondary school selected  

NOTE 2: Selection is an ongoing process and it begins with national schools and admission letters will be updated.

How to Download form One Admission Letter Online

Below is a guide on how to download your form one admission letter using the official Ministry of education website’

  • Step 1, Go to: Form One Selection
  • Step 2, Click on the school selected to join (National, Extra or County School)
  • Step 3 Select the county and sub-county where type did your KCPE Exams then enter your Index Number
website page for downloading form one admission letter
website page for downloading form one admission letter/Photo
  • Step 4, Click Submit
  • Step 5, At the bottom of the page click ADMISSION LETTER
  • Step 6, Download to your computer then print
  • Step 7, Take the admission letter to your Head Teacher to stamp it for endorsement

NOTE: If you are asked for a .go.ke email address and you are lost kindly contact your headmaster to provide you with one so that you can download your admission letter.

2023 Form One Admission Day Requirements

During admission day, you are supposed to present the stamped calling letter to your high school or secondary during.  You are also supposed to carry your birth certificate and copy.

Reporting dates: New Form One students are required to report to their respective schools a few weeks after receiving their admission letter.

Learn how to transfer secondary school placed.

Important! If you want to receive the latest school updates like selection, opening, and closing dates, etc, register for education news below.

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49 responses

  1. Can’t find my sons selection how do I go about it please (335)

  2. Salina Mary Avatar
    Salina Mary

    I can’t see the placement of my brother who got 358 marks index number 35629119009 kindly assist please

  3. valary avisa ombeva Avatar
    valary avisa ombeva

    can’t find admission letter for my son who was admitted at hobonuka secondary school please assist.index number 38604206088

  4. George mungai kamau Avatar
    George mungai kamau

    My boy got admission to Uhuru secondary and we have several of them in different county how how can I know which one is supposed to be? His index no. Is 11236119008

  5. my son has not been selected to any school yet i need assistance. index no: 01114120032

  6. Cannot find any selection for this index number 11232126005 kindly assist

  7. Richard Oyanga Avatar
    Richard Oyanga

    My child is called at Nzauni secondary school it’s a mixed day school and she is from Nairobi i need help

  8. Can’t find any adimission up to now please help

  9. Cant find results for for 04111126089 kindly help me

  10. halima kulo Avatar
    halima kulo


  11. Mercy wambui Avatar
    Mercy wambui

    No placement ,the pupil scored 219,kindly helpmercy

  12. how can one go about changing a national school that one isn’t content with

  13. kindly assist my daughter had 389 marks, she has been called to join kolanya girls its too far and she is a sickling. secondly she never selected it how can i change the school?

  14. Grace gikonyo Avatar
    Grace gikonyo

    It is now 13th December lhave not get any school for my daughter she have 312

  15. Grace gikonyo Avatar
    Grace gikonyo

    I have 312 marks i have been sending sms to 20042 no place to any school from engshura primary

  16. Juliet otieno Avatar
    Juliet otieno

    Is 340 marks for a sub county school or county school

  17. Juliet otieno Avatar
    Juliet otieno

    My daughter scored 340 in mombasa county and she has been given a chance in kericho county a sub county school…do u really consider distance?even if 340 is for sub county school then she was supposed to b placed in mombasa county where she sat for the kcpe

  18. josephine mbeti Avatar
    josephine mbeti

    index number 13339240007
    I can’t feedback for placement of my cousin

  19. My child had scored 304 marks index no problem 10228106025 and I can’t see which school he is placed. What the problem

  20. Elizabeth kutwa Avatar
    Elizabeth kutwa

    My son has been placed to afar end school at kitui county and he comes from western plz help to get a chance from western coz he keeps on sickling

  21. ANNN MBOCHI Avatar

    My daughter has been selected to join Kambui girls but i can’t find the addmission letter.
    Ann Mbochi

  22. Andrew Olukoye Avatar
    Andrew Olukoye

    Hi am Andrew, my son scored 288 marks and have sent his index no. 20405093005 to 20042 for many times and all am told is that he does not appear in of the 3 categories. Did he not qualify for any of the categories? Kindly help.

  23. my son got 324 and still no placement

  24. Stellamaris muli Avatar
    Stellamaris muli

    when you sent the index number the response is that the index is not found yet the same index was used to get results and they came

  25. Dalmas Ogungo Avatar
    Dalmas Ogungo

    i sent the index number to 20042 and i never got any reply since yesterday….i have sent again today at 8 in the morning and still no reply…what might be the problem

  26. i post index no. several time with and not school display for the pupil. she had 327 marks and her id no. 2556310027.pls help

  27. PAUL OKELLO Avatar


  28. Ruth Ruita Avatar
    Ruth Ruita

    My nephew scored 276 and my niecce 327 and they have not been posted anywhere. In the message they are listed nowhere error message???

  29. Stellamaris muli Avatar
    Stellamaris muli

    my sister got 294 and my cousin 329 and they were never placed in any school,kindly help us please

    1. Hello,
      What do you mean she was not placed and placement is ongoing.

  30. Hie kindly can’t see the sub county schools selection by today

  31. Pupil from Kajiado Aic girls pri with 341 is selected to county/sub county school when 310 is selected to Extra county school.Was it an error?

  32. Judith Guya Avatar
    Judith Guya

    What is the creteria for changing a school.
    My nephew has been called to a far off school but is a sickling.

    1. Hello,
      If it is a county school you have to visit your county education office and inform them of your intention to change. They will guide you on how go about it.

  33. when shall I get placement for sub county. the pupil had 227 marks

  34. ramadhan abdul Avatar
    ramadhan abdul

    i got a marks that can get me to extra county school but i can’t see the school i have been called to. my index number is 20410035001.

  35. nyamwaya Avatar

    Can’t download the calling letter from the portal coz there is no link for download.help pls

  36. i don’t understand what you mean by saying email address @ict.go.ke

  37. Can’t find the school which my child has been placed,, please help

  38. How do i open letter that links to Google drive sign in???

  39. I cant see results for county or sub county school selection by today (Friday 7th Dec) please help

    1. Hello,
      Kindly wait for ongoing county selection and confirm on Monday 10th December 2018 Regards.

  40. Patrick mutungwa Avatar
    Patrick mutungwa

    The selected school name appears to be incomplete for (18348109104)
    only ST. JOSEPH??? please help!

  41. Nicholas Ongengo Avatar
    Nicholas Ongengo

    I send SMS but I can’t get

    1. Means you have not been selected or placed. Placement for Extra County schools is ongoing today. Try using the procedure provided above later.

  42. 29542320011 Avatar

    form one selection school 2019

  43. 29542320011

    1. peter bongo mwachiro Avatar
      peter bongo mwachiro

      can’t find the school addimission for 04111146005 kindly help

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