What next after KUCCPS Revision, University Placement?

What next after KUCCPS placement process

KUCCPS second and third revision of courses for degree and diploma placement has come to an end. This was the final chance for those who had not been placed during the first revision to apply for selection.

Second Revision University placement?

As you will note, for those who were placed during the first revision, KUCCPS did not indicate which university and course you were successfully placed to. That should however not worry you as it applies to everyone.

After the completion of processing of application data for those who did the second revision and third, all students will be able to know via their kuccps revision accounts page and SMS which course and university they will be admitted to.

You will know about placement status starting from (date to be updated).

When and how will to get admission letters?

After being told which university you have been placed to, KUCCPS will forward your details to the respective universities. Now the process will shift from KUCCPS to the universities where you were placed. Each university will process information uniquely and start issuing admission letters on their convenient dates.

It is good to note that most universities don’t send admission letters via post office these days. Almost 80% of public universities ask students to download their admission letters and other admission detail through their online portals. We will share when and where to download admission letters for each university when that time comes.

UPDATE: We have provided a guide on how to download admission letters for some universities on this page.

Admission dates for government-sponsored students

Concerning dates of admission and receiving admission letters, you have to be patient. Every university has its own dates. Therefore we will update this page when that time comes. However, once you receive your admission letter, admission dates are indicated there.

Last updated on


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16 responses

  1. Martin Mutembei Avatar
    Martin Mutembei

    Hey I want to transfer from Nkabune Tti to Thika tti due to financial status and the portal does not allow me to transfer

  2. Allan Avatar

    I have not be placement
    so what can I do

    1. Stephen Avatar

      I have not applied for either first or second revision. So is their a chance for me apply?

  3. Peter Avatar

    Am am not contented with the university av been placed what will I doh

  4. peter mwangi Avatar
    peter mwangi

    when will next placement be?

  5. Margaret Macharia Avatar
    Margaret Macharia

    When will the next placement take place

  6. Please clarify on how one can pay for the inter institution transfer. Coz it is not shown on the computer as it was in the first and second revision please reply.

  7. Eric gacoki Avatar
    Eric gacoki

    This was so helpful to me.I almost lost patience but now I’ll wait till the time comes and I hope all will be well !…Thank you !

  8. I was placed at kabarak and will like to know when will join if may or September pursuing bachelor of education science.

  9. on may first can we reapply if you missed the second revision


    1. Get intouch with kuccps on 0723954927 or 0734879662 (Week Days).

  11. Kennedy murimi Avatar
    Kennedy murimi

    Which day will be the final selection and how we will receive message will we receive with sms or via emai

  12. Am ready for that

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