Cheap Accommodation along Thika Road: Githurai, Kasarani and Kahawa

For a  new student/first year getting accommodation along Thika road might seem an uphill task. This post provides a guide on the best way to get accommodation in Kasarani, Githurai, Kahawa, Zimmerman and their environs.


Getting Accommodation in Kasarani, Githurai and Kahawa; Singled room, Bedsitter, One Bedroom, Two Bedroom.


  • When talking of Kasarani we refer to Roysambu, Equity Area, Seasons, Car Wash area, Hunters areas, and Sanaton (The most secure places to live along Thika Road)
  • When Talking of Gigurai we refer to Zimmerman, Githurai 44 and 45 but i will advice to go for Githurai 44 as it is more secure than 45
  • When Talking of Kahawa we refer to Kahawa Wendani and Kahawa Sukari (These two places are mostly inhabited by students)


Doing a Google search will land you on several websites that offer accommodation in the above mentioned places. But the quickest and most genuine way of getting accommodation along the above mentioned  places is through a Facebook page called “Who’s moving Out I move in” or “Who is moving out? I want to move in” These two Facebook groups have over 200k members. The good thing with this is that you will be able to see the advertiser’s profile before communicating. Olx is another option but take care as the website has been infested with fraudsters.


Do not miss our updates on where to get accommodation along Mombasa Road and Jogoo Road!

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