Census Results: Kirinyaga County Leads in school dropout

2019 Census Results report show Kirinyaga County Leading in school dropout

Kirinyaga county has recorded the highest number of children dropping out of schools. The 2019 Census report results that were released on February 21st, 2020 show that 24 percent of people in Kirinyaga withdrew from the institutions of learning where they were registered as students.

Mwea West and Kirinyaga East are the regions with highest dropouts in the county. Embu County is inches away from Kirinyaga with a record of 23.1 percent of school dropouts. Male students as they are always on the wrong side, are the victims with the highest number of dropouts in Embu East Sub-county.

According to the census results, 6.8 million Kenyans dropped out of school while 7.1 million have never gone to school.

2019 Census Results report show Kirinyaga County Leading in school dropout
2019 Census Results report show Kirinyaga County Leading in school dropout/Photo by KNBS

Intersex people recorded the highest percentage of dropouts at 19 percent. This has been attributed to the stigma they might be facing in their respective learning environment. Out of the total 1,298 intersex people, 20 percent have never stepped in school.

Contrary to popular belief, Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Tana River, and Wajir recorded the highest student retention.

Wajir county school dropout rate is 0.8 percent even though 75 percent said they never went to school. Other counties that have a high number of dropouts are Nandi, Trans Nzoia and Meru.

In institutions of higher learning, female students are said to be steadily dominating the numbers in universities by almost half the number of male students. Of the 471,000 university students, about 269,000 are women.

Lamu County recorded the lowest number of students in universities at only 463. Other counties with a low number of scholars are, Tana river at 517 and Kwale has 741 students.

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