Bill Cosby Education Background Information (where he studied)

Comedian Bill Cosby Education Background Information and schools where he studied

Get to know of the Education Background of Bill Cosby whose full name is William Henry Cosby Jr (American comedian, actor, author and musician).

Comedian Bill Cosby Education Background Information and schools where he studied
Comedian Bill Cosby Education Background Information and schools where he studied/Photo

Who is Bill Cosby?

Bill Cosby is an American standup comedian. He is also an Actor, Musician and Author (view Bill Cosby books on amazon). He is a father to 5 children and married to Camille Olivia Cosby

Summary of Bill Cosby profile

Below is a brief  profile history of Bill Cosby;

  • Bill Cosby age: was born in July 12, 1937, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Bill Cosby net worth: $400 million (source Time/Money, 2018)
  • Bill Cosby wife: Camille Olivia Cosby (1944)
  • Bill Cosby Kids: 5 children; Erika Ranee (1965), Erinn Chalene Cosby (1966), Ennis Cosby (born 1969 and died 1997), Ensa Cosby (born 1973 and died 2018) and Evin Harrah Cosby (1976
  • Bill Cosby Parents: Anna Pearl (mother) and William Henry Cosby Sr (father)
  • Career: Comedian (Bill Cosby Shows and Movies)

Education Background of Bill Cosby (where he studied)

Below is a summary of Bill Cosby education;

  1. Mary Channing Wister Public School
  2. Thomas Fitzsimons Junior High School
  3. Central High School, Philadelphia
  4. Germantown High School
  5. 1961 to 1971: Temple University (studied physical education)
  6. 1972: University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Masters)
  7. University of Massachusetts, Amherst (
  8. 1980s: Served as an advisor of the Los Angeles Student Film Institute.

Bill Cosby was not good in class. He failed his tenth grade at Germantown High School forcing him drop out of school instead of opting to repeat. He would later earn a high school equivalency diploma and join Temple University through a track and field scholarship.

Universities that have awarded Bill Cosby Honorary degrees

Almost all Universities that awarded Bill Cosby honorary doctorate have rescinded the degree due the comedian’s women assault case.

  1. Johns Hopkins University (rescinded)
  2. Notre Dame (rescinded)
  3. Boston College (rescinded)
  4. Wesleyan University (revoked)
  5. Temple University (revoked)
  6. Yale (revoked)
  7. Brown University (rescinded)
  8. Fordham University (rescinded)
  9. Marquette University (rescinded)
  10. …..the list is long...

UPDATE: Bill Cosby was awarded 68 honorary degrees, 57 of which have been revoked. Most of them were Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters.

School Co-curricular Activities Bill Cosby was involved

Bill Cosby was good in School Co-curricular Activities;

  • He played Baseball at Mary Channing Wister Public School
  • He begun acting plays at FitzSimons Junior High School
  • He participated in track and field at Central High School
  • He played football as fullback for Temple University

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