Best websites where to get Accommodation, Rental Rooms in Nairobi, Kenya

Best websites where to get accommodation and find single rooms, bedsitter, one bedroom

Where to get accommodation in Nairobi: Searching for a room or house for rent in Nairobi can be a big headache at times. We have prepared a list of websites where you can find houses/ rooms to rent to save you the trouble of looking for one in Nairobi.

Best websites where to get accommodation and find single rooms, bedsitter, one bedroom
Best websites where to get accommodation and find single rooms, bedsitter, one bedroom e.t.c/Photo of Nairobi City
  • Kejahunt is a platform that connects you with other people in various locations in Nairobi who are moving out of their houses so that you can move in.You can also get to view the number of rooms and cost of the apartment in the various profiles created in the platform.

  • Jumia House

Jumia Kenya also has a platform where you can buy or rent apartments and houses all over Kenya including Nairobi.


Property24 allows you to type the minimum and maximum rent you want to pay as you hunt for an apartment or a house.

  • Hass Consult Real Estate

HassConsult Real Estate is a real estate website where you can quickly search for houses and apartments in the suburbs of Nairobi.

  • Buy Rent Kenya

This platform will not just help you find an apartment in Nairobi but it will also connect you with trusted agents and landlords across Kenya.

  • Anza

With the tagline “where property search starts.” Anza is an interactive website where you can find apartments, houses and other commercial properties in Nairobi.

  • RE/MAX Kenya

RE/MAX not only allows you to find apartments and houses but also gives you the opportunity to  sell or rent your apartment or house in their website.

Do not miss our latest updates best places to get  bedsitter, one bedroom and two bedroom accommodation in Nairobi

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