6 Best Online Plagiarism Checker websites for Students

Turnitin plagiarism check for Kenyan Universities and students

What follows is list of some of the best plagiarism checker softwares and websites for students.

An Audit Report published by the Commission for University Education (CUE) on the quality of university education in Kenya indicated that many Universities and students do not check for plagiarism before submitting their papers, CATS or dissertations.

List of Online Plagiarism checker websites

Turnitin plagiarism check for Kenyan Universities and students
Turnitin plagiarism check for Kenyan Universities and students/Photo

We have used all the softwares listed below to check for plagiarism. As an institution, teacher, lecturer or student you will need to pay some monthly or annually subscription fee to use any of the plagiarism detecting software below;

  1. Turnitin.com: This is one of the best plagiarism detection  software for students and learning institutions. There are over 15,000  learning institutions  and 30 million students currently using turnitin.  Turnitin was established 1998 for four university students as a peer review application.
  2. iThenticate.com: This is a sister company of Turnitin. It is normally used by publishers, government organization, and non-profit  organization to check content originality.
  3. WriteCheck.com:  It is a company of Turnitin. WriteCheck is meant for students who want to Check their paper’s to ensure  they are cited properly, Check  paper for spelling, grammar and  usage  Plagiarism.
  4. Grammarly.com: This tools is ideal  and of the best in checking grammar errors like (punctuation errors, spellings mistakes, sentence structure  e.t.c). It can also check plagiarism but it is not as good as Turnitin.
  5. Plagscan.com:  In terms of plagiarism checking, plagscan comes second after Turnitin. Its ideal for checking general online copy pasting.
  6. Copyscape.com: Copyscape ideal for WebPage plagiarisms Check. It is commonly used by bloggers to check their website’s content originality.

Bonus: Plagtracker

NOTE: Grammarly.com has a free trial and you might be interested to use it if you have no subscription fee.

Want to integrate any of the above plagiarism checking software in your learning institution or want to partner with us?  contact Us.

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