9 Best Maternity Hospitals in Kenya (Delivery Packages)

Best maternity hospitals in nairobi, kenya and delivery cost

List of the Best Maternity Hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya.  Learn about Pregnancy test packages, Normal Delivery Costs, Midwives Delivery charges, Post Delivery Baby Care, giving birth through C-section or caesarean delivery, obstetric e.t.c

List of Best Maternity Hospitals in Kenya, Giving birth Packages in Nairobi, Pregnancy Test,
List of Best Maternity Hospitals in Kenya, Giving birth Packages in Nairobi, Pregnancy Test/Photo Source

One of the objectives of focused antenatal care is assisting a patient decide on a preferred hospital where she will deliver. The importance of making this choice beforehand is to enable the mother to familiarize herself with the hospital environment and staff where necessary, budget for delivery expenses, and prepare for transport to the hospital in the event of labour or any emergencies. To some, this may be a very easy choice to make while to others it may be quite daunting.  Most people will decide to go to a certain hospital based on the experiences of their family members and close friends in those hospitals. Some of the factors that most women will take into consideration include proximity of the hospital, preparedness to handle emergencies, quality of services, the attitude of staff, and affordability.

Best Maternity Hospitals in Kenya and their packages

Below is a list of top maternity hospitals in a Nairobi and brief description of what they offer, This information would assist potential mothers to make an informed choice as to where to deliver.

Aga khan University hospital

The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) is one of the high-end private hospitals providing excellent maternity services preferred by many. They offer well-integrated maternity services from antenatal care, birth preparedness, labor, and post-delivery care of the newborn and mother. It also hosts the most expensive and most prestigious maternity unit, princess Zahra pavilion labour, delivery, and recovery unit. AKUH generally advocates for normal delivery unless it is an emergency. They offer a range of pain relief methods including nitrous oxide gas and epidural anaesthia. Normal delivery costs around Kshs 120,000 while caeserian section costs around Kshs 220,000.

Aga Khan University Hospital is located in Parklands area.

Inside Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) maternity room
Inside Aga Khan University Hospital maternity room/Photo by AKUH

Nairobi hospital

Nairobi hospital is reputed for its high standards and state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure. The hospital has two maternity packages that is the normal delivery package and the caeserian section package. The Normal delivery package costs approximately Kshs 95,000 and the Caeserian section package that costs approximately Kshs 210,000. However, a number of costs are not covered in these amounts like doctor’s fees, anesthetics fees, pediatrician fees, theatre fees, and antibiotics.

Nairobi hospital is located in Argwings Kodhek Rd

Nairobi Hospital New Born maternity ward
Nairobi Hospital New Born maternity ward/Photo

Nairobi Womens hospital

By the virtue that Nairobi Womens majorly focuses on women’s issues, most people have found favour in attending this hospital for their maternity services. They offer a range of products for normal patients and private patients. Patients can either choose to be delivered by a midwife, a resident obstetrician, or their own private obstetrician.

hospital waiting area, nice hospital for giving birth
Nairobi Women’s hospital waiting area, nice hospital for giving birth/Photo

Mater Hospital

Mater Hospital maternity package entails antenatal visits, delivery, and postnatal care. Being a hospital that is primarily owned by Catholic nuns, its values are anchored in the Catholic faith. Normal delivery is approximately Kshs 60,000;  Caeserian delivery Kshs 165,000.

M.P. Shah Hospital

M.P. Shah Hospital is a multi-super-specialty, state-of-the-art, tertiary care hospital that provides a variety of choices of maternity care available to the mother-to-be they include Hospital Doctor based care, Midwifery care, and private obstetric care. At M.P. Shah deliveries are normally conducted by obstetricians whether private or resident. Important to note is that they do offer epidural for pain relief during labour. Normal delivery approx Kenya Shillings 130,000; Caeserian delivery Kshs260,000.

Coptic Hospital

Coptic hospital offers attractive maternity packages including free ambulance services from your place of residence to the hospital. They offer epidural anaesthesia for mothers who want pain-free delivery. Normal delivery is approximately Kshs 40,000; Caeserian delivery is Kshs100,000.

Coptic Hospital is located on Ngong Road, Opposite China Centre

Inside Coptic Hospital Maternity room, learn about their packages
Inside Coptic Hospital Maternity room, learn about their packages/Photo by Coptic

AIC Kijabe

Most people praise this hospital because of its cost-friendliness. Their maternity services are quality yet affordable, with an NHIf card delivery is absolutely free. Their staff are said to be friendly too. The major setback is that it is quite a distance from Nairobi.

Kenyatta National Hospital

KNH enjoys a large pool of experienced midwives and doctors as compared to other public hospitals. Being a referral hospital it is usually more prepared to handle emergencies in terms of staffing and resources. Maternity services in KNH both private and general labor wards are commendable. In the private wing normal delivery costs approximately Kshs 45,000 while caeserian section delivery cost approximately Kshs 135,000. In the General delivery units, NHIF cardholders deliver free of charge. The General wards are normally overcrowded and may not be appealing to mothers who need privacy and personalized care.

Avenue hospital

This is also another nice choice. More information on Maternity charges and packages about Avenue hospital will be updated  Avenue Hospital is located in Parklands.

Do not miss our latest rankings of the best maternity hospitals in each county in Kenya. (The author of this article is a healthcare practitioner and a graduate of the University of Nairobi School of Medicine).

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3 responses

  1. Fernando Avatar

    They made my first born experience a hell.
    First day seven cucaraches in the room. Food was repetitive and served unpleasantly. Nurses unable to communicate and not gentle. Paediatric service decided to give my wife a specific drug for boasting milk production without realising she already had excess of milk, that could have created a big problem. Room facing wedt and terribly hot in the evening…my baby suffered fever as a consequence. The last day, after paying the bill they had my wife w the recent c-section walking around the hospital alone, while I had to be waiting w the baby in the room. My experience was horrible. I will never recommend anyone to go there. Our only aim after three days was to go back home asap. Very sad experience, when it should have been a happy memory.

    1. Which Hospital are you referring to?

    2. Which Hospital are you referring to?

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