Best Holiday Tuition Centers in Nairobi, Kenya (Home based, Private teachers)

Best Holiday Tuition Centers in Nairobi for home and private, student subjects in GCSE, KCPE, KCSE, TOEFL

Get to learn of where to take your child this long holiday for holiday tuition in Nairobi, Kenya and where to get teachers for private or home based tuition now that the ministry of education banned holidays tuition in schools.

Best Holiday Tuition Centers in Nairobi for home and private, student subjects in GCSE, KCPE, KCSE, TOEFL
Some of the Best Long Holiday Tuition Centers in Nairobi for home and private student teaching for subjects in GCSE, KCPE, KCSE, TOEFL e.t.c /Photo by Sasin Tipchai

Ministry of Education take on School Holiday Tuition (law)

In August 2015, the ministry of education directed all primary and secondary schools to stop conducting holiday tuition.  The banning of holiday tuition was anchored in law on Section 37 of the Basic Education Act, 2012. Breaking of the law attracts a fine of ksh. 100,000. Both public and private schools are subject to the Act.

Primary and Secondary school holiday and terms dates in Kenya

A complete list of term holidays in Kenya is available in this page (official term dates). Below is a summary of it;

  • Term 1 holiday: April
  • Term 2 holiday: August
  • Term 3 holiday: December

Nairobi Home School Tuition

Nairobi Home School Limited is located in Westlands- Eden Square, Off Waiyaki Way. They conduct home based tuition on evenings, day time and weekends. For home tuition they charges ksh. 3,000. Curriculum they offer include;

  • I B
  • A Level
  • Primary/ Elementary
  • Adult / Continuing Education

Contacts Details

Nairobi Home School Tuition
Nairobi Home School Tuition/Photo Source

Preswin Nairobi Home Tuition and Center (Homebase Tuition)

Preswin  which also owns homebase tuition offers both home based tuition and center based tuition. It has Full time tutors, Current TSC School Teachers, retired School Teachers and Part Time Teachers.  Tutoring prices or charges differ depending on the subjects selected and location of the student. Its offices are located in Parklands Road, Nairobi, Kenya. System of learning and Subjects it offers include

System of learning

  • KCPE
  • KCSE
  • IB
  • all levels for American system

Subjects taught

  • Accounting
  • Agriculture
  • Biology
  • Business studies
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese
  • CRE
  • English
  • French
  • Germany
  • History
  • Italian
  • Kiswahili
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Spanish

Preswin Tuition Center Contact Details

Preswin Nairobi Home Tuition Center
Preswin Nairobi Home Tuition Center/Photo Source

Nairobi Tuition Center

Nairobi Home Tuition Center provides teaching for students on long holiday. They are located in Nyambane House, 3rd Floor, Westlands, Mpaka Road. They offer Day, evening and weekend tuition, Bridging courses, Remedial tuition, home based tuition, TOEFL, and Career advice and counseling. Charges are negotiable Curriculum and subjects offered include;

  • KCPE
  • KCSE
  • Montessori system

Nairobi Tuition Center Contact Details

  • Phone: 0724863397
  • Email: /
  • Website:
Nairobi Home based Tuition center for GCSE, KCPE, KCSE, TOEFL
Nairobi Home based Tuition center for GCSE, KCPE, KCSE, TOEFL e.t.c/Photo

KCSE, KCPE Revision or Past  Papers

If you are looking for a place to download quality KNEC KCPE and KCSE past papers with marking schemes then be sure to visit muthurwa marketplace website. That is:


Do not miss all our latest updates on  the best holiday based tuition centers in Kenya.

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One response

  1. dancan soro Avatar
    dancan soro

    Any parent wants the best education for their kid. This can be achieved either through home schooling or through a good school set up. For many parents in Kenya, private school is almost out of the budget. Public schooling is affordable for majority of mums and dads.
    But have you ever considered homeschooling? It is not a popular subject because information about it is so scanty or not available. But we want to make it easier for you. Here’s the scope of whatever you need to know before deciding to home school your kid/s.
    Time Commitment
    Homeschooling can take up a great deal of time each day, particularly if you’ll be homeschooling more than one child. Educating at home is more than just sitting down with the school books for a couple of hours.
    Personal Sacrifice
    Homeschooling parents need to find a balance between work and life. It is important to find friends who understand and support your decision to homeschool. Getting involved in a homeschool support group can be an excellent way to connect with like-minded parents.
    Financial Impact
    Homeschooling can be accomplished very inexpensively; however, it usually requires that the teaching parent not work outside of the home. Some sacrifices will need to be made if the family is used to two incomes. It is cheaper than the conventional school set-up.
    Social Opportunities
    There’s a myth that homeschooled kids aren’t socialized. It is true that home school parents usually need to be more intentional in helping their children find friends and social activities. Home schooled kids are not anti-social freaks.
    One of the benefits of homeschooling is being able to play a more active role in choosing the social contacts your child makes. Homeschool co-op classes can be a good place for children to interact with other home schooled students.
    Child’s Opinion
    A willing student is always helpful. Ultimately, the decision is the parents’ to make, but if your child doesn’t want to homeschool, you’re not likely to get started on a very positive note. Try talking to your child about his or her concerns to see if they are something you can address – not to see if they are valid. No matter how silly they may seem to you, your child’s concerns are completely valid to him or her.
    Long-term Plan
    Many families take one year at a time, reevaluating as they go along. You don’t have to have all twelve years of school figured out to begin. It’s okay to try homeschooling for a year and make a decision about continuing from there.
    If you’re a Kenyan parent interested in homeschooling your child, ONE ON ONE HOME SCHOOL would be a great place to consult. They organize and support all homeschooling families and groups in the larger Nairobi area.
    Call 0720913294 to find out more.

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