Best Holiday Destinations in Turkana County: Tourist sites

Best Holiday Destinations in Turkana County,Tourist sites

Tourist sites: Turkana County is found in the Northern region of Kenya. It is endowed with natural resources and other things that make the place attractive for holiday vacations. Here are some of those destinations.

Best Holiday Destinations in Turkana County,Tourist sites
Best Holiday Destinations in Turkana County,Tourist sites/Photo
  1. Lake Turkana

It is the largest alkaline desert lake in the world. Imagine seeing such a treasure of global geography with your naked eye!  It covers more than 6,000 kilometers square. It has three inlets namely River Omo, River Kerio and River Turkwell.

The lake’s azure-green color resulting from algae has earned it another name the ‘Jade sea’.

  1. Sibiloi National Park

The park is endowed with the semi-desert ecosystem. You will get to see unique wildlife you rarely see on normal land. There are also elements of archaeological treasures in the park.

  1. Koobi Fora

Koobi Fora is a great pre historic site with artifacts. There are some fossils which were first discovered there hence the place has largely contributed to world history and in the reconstruction of mankind; especially in regards to evolution and culture.

  1. Loiyangalani Desert Museum

This museum is located just near Lake Turkana. It mainly contains culture elements of the communities living around the place. These are: Boran, Merille, Turkana, El molo, Rendille, Samburu and Gabbra.

  1. Sand dunes

Being a semi-desert, Turkana has sand dunes which are a good sight. Of course you will want to step on them and feel their texture.


A visit to Turkana is more than simply a visit, you also get to interact with the unique culture and nature of the Turkana people.

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