How to avoid supplementary (supp) in campus

How to avoid supplementary (supp) in campus

SUPP is the most dreaded animal as far as classroom matters in campus are concerned. Here is how to prevent the ticking time bombs that trouble your stomach whenever you hear that exam results are out.

How to avoid supplementary (supp) in campus
How to avoid supplementary (supp) in campus/Photo

A Supp is prepared in the kitchen. Haha, pardon me, I meant exam room. The only way to avoid a Supp (Supplementary exam) is by not preparing it in the first place. But how?

If you expect me to tell you to trans night, attend all lectures, buy all textbooks, have the lecturer’s number, etc I am sorry. You deserve a lot better and you must have heard enough of that.

  • Lectures

Attend up to or beyond the required number of lectures for you to be allowed into the exam room. Purpose to LEARN.
Attendance for the sake of signing the attendance list is equivalent to cheating yourself.

Just switch your mind to lecture work. Remember you hardly think of academic issues when partying and doing other stuff; it’s worth it to concentrate for the two lecture hours or so.

In other words, “Ulienda Campo kusoma.” It is your core business.

  • Personal notes

Derive notes from what the lecturer says in class. You can also summarize the handout notes in words you understand better; for a greater good.

These will aid you in remembering and when revising for the exam.


  • Consistency

Very crucial! Study regularly, even for as little as twenty minutes per day; same time daily. This creates a healthy study habit.

Do that and by exam time, you will be thanking this post.


  • Assignments

Lecturers are aware that many assignments go undone. Most reset the assignment questions in the exam as a way of rewarding the good scholars and maybe punishing the other lot.


  • Past Papers

Those who have tried it before already know. Look at past papers while reading your notes. Most campus exam questions are duplicates of previous exams.

This is actually the best trick to get you smiling in the exam room


  • Group work

This is my personal secret. I believe that if two people discuss they gain double what they would gain individually.
Try with 3-6 people anytime during the semester and you will be amazed.

  • Be intentional to pass your exam, is the greatest point.

Guys it’s as easy to get a Supp as it is to avoid it. Remember society expects high standards from you as an elite individual. You can afford to be organized in your mind, the ball is in your hands. Always begin a Semester knowing that there is an exam in the end.

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