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in NHIF by
How long will take for NHIF to approve LOU application

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
It takes 48 to 72 hours for NHIF to approve LOU request sent during working days. If the amount approved is less than what is required, then the patient will be required to top up the remaining balance.
And when Nhif is not approved what might be the reason and how long will it take to be approved again?
by (45.3k points)
It depends on how much the hospital charges for the procedure, whether the procedure is covered and the reasons/evidence provided.

You can try to resend it by asking your doctor to provide detailed reasons and evidence, it might be approved.
What if is an emergency case ?
by (45.3k points)
If it is an emergency case, the  approval process is faster and if it delays, the hospital will ask you visit NHIF office for approval as the patient is admitted.
After the approval ,how many days it takes to expire,,2)is someone needs to use it immediately after the approval or he can wait for some days..

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asked Apr 3, 2021 in NHIF by anonymous
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