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in NHIF by
After how long will I start using my outpatient facility after change?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
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Change of outpatient facility can be done through NHIF self-care portal or Safaricom SSD code *155#. Change of facility takes place twice in a year. That is January and July.

If you change your outpatient hospital on June 2021, you can use it from 1st July 2021.

For example, if you change your facility between January and June 2021, you will be able to use the hospital from 1st July 2021. If you change the facility between July and December 2021, you will able to use it from 1st January 2022.
You have alot of sense
I think students are using UPI number for free treatment.
I've changed mine today so I can use it tomorrow.. This is the time NHIF should show up for me. I've never used it, if they fail me I'll be a very disappointed person
Why should Nhif wait for this long, before it becomes Active after changing facility, it's not fare
This is unfair since it takes atleast 1month and atmost 6months depending on the month the change of facility . The member continues paying yet the services cannot be received.

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