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What is the process of adding the name of the father to birth certificate?

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by (45.3k points)
The Mother and father of the child are required to visit civil registration office in the county where the child was born with the original birth certificate to make changes. If you are in Nairobi go to Hass Plaza 4th floor, Upper Hill.
I'm in Nairobi and was referred back to kisii County. They said they don't have those records here in Nairobi the birth certificate was processed back 2017.kindly advise.
by (45.3k points)
As we have answered above, you  have to go to the civil registration office in the county where the child was born.
Do we have to present a marriage certificate isn't that discriminating to young parents
by (45.3k points)
Vero we have responded to a similar question that you asked here: https://kenyayote.co.ke/ask/7146/must-have-marriage-certificate-fathers-birth-certificate

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