Before I go any further listing where and how you can get an industrial attachment opportunity, know that there is a difference between attachment and internship. There are different definitions of the two terms. I will be using the term attachment to mean the training that continuing students take as a course requirement out of school (for instance in a bank, manufacturing firm, media house, restaurant, or government firm among many other working places).
Looking for an industrial attachment these days is like looking for a job. It is not easy to find companies offering attachment in your field of study. Below are some of the companies and places where you can go or apply for industrial attachment.
Ministry of Education
The ministry of education understands that students are supposed to go for attachment as a course requirement so they easily provide attachments on a first come first serve basis. It is very easy to get an attachment opportunity there. Just go with a certificate of good conduct (check here on How to apply and get a certificate of good conduct ) and you will be told which day to report for your attachment. The Ministry of education headquarters in Nairobi is located in Jogoo House B’, Harambee Avenue.
Ministry of Information
It normally offers attachments for IT students. Just go with your certificate of good conduct and you will be attached, it is that simple. The Ministry of information is located in Telposta Towers, Kenyatta.
Kenya institute Of curriculum development (KICD)
Nice place to go for attachment if you are doing a media-related course. KICD is an educational institution and they understand what attachment is. KICD is located on Desai Rd, off Muranga road-Near Ngara main stage. I encourage you to personally take your letter but if you can’t, send it through P.O. Box 30231 – 00100, Nairobi Kenya.
Industrial training Attachment portal
This is a government corporation that is mandated with regulating industrial training in Kenya.
They occasionally post attachment opportunities on their website. However, over the past years, they have never published any vacancies.
Career Point Kenya
You can search and apply for industrial attachment opportunities available at careepointkenya website under the Internship Category. Career Point is a website whose main focus is to publish permanent jobs for graduates and postgraduates.
Kenyayote Internship Opportunities Listing
For a list of over 3000 companies that offer internships, check Best Companies that offer internships in Kenya. You can also view Internships by course. The majority of the listed companies offer paid internships.
Most companies that offer internships also accept industrial attachment applications
Important! If you want to be updated via email when industrial attachment opportunities are available, subscribe to our education news updates.
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