Latest TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Teachers

2020 TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Teachers

TSC Recruitment Guideline for teachers: Teachers Service Commission carries out major teachers’ recruitment exercises every year. The Commission advertises and places vacancies on the TSC website, social media platforms, and print media.

TSC normally conducts mass recruitment in July and August annually. The teachers’ employer advertises vacancies for new teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.

Another type of recruitment is done to replace teachers who have exited the service. The Commission carries out a continuous replacement for teachers who have opted out due to natural attrition and other causes. Teachers recruited through this mode are also employed on permanent and pensionable terms.

2020 TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Teachers
TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Teachers/Photo Source

Internships are also considered as another type of recruitment. This involves taking in services of new teachers on a contract basis, normally one year.


Anyone applying for a TSC advertised position must be a registered teacher as per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act Cap 212. More requirements are listed at: How to become a tsc teacher.


Applications should be submitted to the Secretary Board of Management of the respective institution with a copy to the office of the respective TSC Sub-county director. Applications are also done online through tsc teachers online portal.

The TSC Sub-County Director shall come up with a list of all applicants in every Institution to have clear reference and presentation during the interview.

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3 responses

  1. Teaching is a special talent

  2. Kindly TSC consider those above 40yrs during employment. Some of them have been through alot to get that training late in their lives. It’s not their wish to train late

  3. LEMPUS Avatar

    I love teaching proffession

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