Benefits of eating yogurt everyday for men and women

List of Benefits of eating yogurt for women and men

Learn about some of the beneficial Health effects of eating yogurt for both men and women. In Kenya, yogurt is normally consumed during morning hours and is a favorite for kids. 

Types of Yogurts

There are two types of yogurts. Raw yogurt and processed yogurt. Homemade yogurt is the most useful to the body while the processed yogurt has little benefits than the latter.

 Below is a list of some of  the benefits of eating yogurt;

List of Benefits of eating yogurt for women and men
List of Benefits of eating yogurt for women and men/Photo by PB

Makes teeth healthier

 We are all guilty when it comes to taking care of our teeth. Sometimes we take less care of our teeth and ignore what we expose them to. For instance, taking coffee causes our teeth to lose their natural color. However, it should be known that taking yogurt can whiten, brighten and strengthen the teeth due to lactic acid contained in yogurt. If you see that your teeth have started changing their color, you might want to start adding in yogurt in your diet.

Minimizes the chances of having yeast infections

Yeast infections are so common in women, and any woman can tell you that they are no fun at all. Yoghurt contains active cultures that help fight against uncomfortable yeast infections in women. So next time you encounter a yeast infection, consider taking more yogurt than the antibiotics that are prescribed to you.

Can help in losing weight 

If you are tired of that weight, but you always find yourself with different snacks throughout the day, you might want to replace the snacks with yogurt. This is because yogurt helps build muscles. As we know the building of muscles encourages the burning of fat. So it would be somehow safe to say that eating yogurt may help you lose that unwanted weight.

Yogurt has lots of benefits health-wise, but the above benefits are the major ones. If you haven’t  taken yogurt, then give it a try.

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