Obama in Kenya, July 2018: Alego Kogelo Visit, Sauti Kuu Foundation Launch

Obama visit to Kenya on July 2018 and his tour to Alego Kogelo to launch Sauti Kuu Foundation Launch

Former US president Barack Obama will visit Kenya July 2018. He will be touring his ancestral village Alego Kogello where he will launch Sauti Kuu Foundation founded by his sister Auma Obama. Below is the full itinerary of Obama’s second visit to Kenya.

Obama visit to Kenya on July 2018 and his tour to Alego Kogelo to launch Sauti Kuu Foundation Launch
Obama visit to Kenya on July 2018 and his tour to Alego Kogelo to launch Sauti Kuu Foundation Launch/Photo Source

Obama visit to Kenya in 2018 Itinerary

Obama will be in Kenya for only two days for a private visit before flying to South Africa. Here is what he will do in Kenya;

  • Sunday July 15, 2018: Obama will land in Kenya and  meet president Uhuru Kenyatta and Hon. Raila Odinga.
  • Monday July 16, 2018: Obama will travel to Alego Nyangoma, Kogelo located in Siaya County, for the inauguration of his sister Auma Obama’s Sauti Kuu Foundation (check more information about the foundation below).

What is Sauti Kuu Foundation that Obama that will be launch (inaugurate)

As explained by Auma Obama, what Barack Obama will be launching in Kogelo is a a state of the art center for knowledge learning and excellence meaning that it is not institutionalized, it is not categorized as an academy or school. It is a space where there will be access to Internet and to the worldwide web, so knowledge.  It will be a place where there will be a library, so the community children can access books and read.

The center has a basketball court that has been built by Sauti Kuu Foundation donors.There is also a volleyball, netball, football pitch of international size and all the other recreational sports activities that young people can do.

Sauti Kuu Foundation sports recreation center started by Auma Obama
Sauti Kuu Foundation sports recreation center started by Auma Obama that will be launched by Barack Obama/Photo

Photos of Barack Obama in Kenya, July 2018

Raila Odinga with Barack Obama in Kenya, july 2018
Raila Odinga with Barack Obama in Kenya, 15th July 2018/Photo
Uhuru Kenyatta with Barack Obama in Kenya, July 2018
Uhuru Kenyatta with Barack Obama in Kenya, July 15th 2018/Photo


Do not miss all our updates of Barack Obama visit to Kenya in 2018.

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